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TM0s and TM1 components inventory and procurement schedule

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1 TM0s and TM1 components inventory and procurement schedule
In LAB testing facility A. Bartalesi

2 Procuring overview TM0s
Priotity /11/2010 Floor interface plate Priority /12/2010 MB girders with V-shaped supports, cradles and actuators DB girders with V-shaped supports Cradles Actuators Priority /01/2011 Accelerating structures Damping material Cooling interfaces RF flanges Interconn. flanges Interconn. bellows PETS DB QUADS BPM Vacuum chamber Support plate Priority 3 -15/02/2011 Vacuum Supports Vacuum reservoir Priority /02/2011 RF distribution Waveguides RF components RF loads Priority /03/2011 Vacuum network Priority /03/2011 Cooling system Priority /03/2011 Heating device Transport device Labels: 3D done 2D done Ordered Delivered A. Bartalesi

3 Procuring overview TM1 Labels: 3D done 2D done Ordered Delivered
Priotity 0 Floor interface plate Priority 1 MB girders with V-shaped supports, cradles and actuators DB girders with V-shaped supports Cradles Actuators Priority 2 Accelerating structures Damping material Cooling interfaces RF flanges Interconn. flanges Interconn. bellows PETS QUADS MBQ DBQ BPM Vacuum chamber Support plate Priority 3 Vacuum Supports Vacuum reservoir Priority 4 RF distribution Waveguides RF components RF loads Priority 5 Vacuum network Priority 6 Cooling system Priority 7 Heating device Transport device Labels: 3D done 2D done Ordered Delivered A. Bartalesi

4 Accelerating structure TM0
Name Type Drawing Design responsible Price inquiry launched Price inquiry deadline Order date Fabrication finish date Delivery date Last update Quantity Real or Mock up? Status Firm Procurement responsible Comments Wire d. 1 mm (St.) Part Commercial 3D: ST 01/11/2010 12/11/2010 16/09/2011 19/09/2011 16 M Received (any) A.French 1 cm long Indium wire AS MOCK-UP MANIFOLD STANDARD CELL CLIATLAS0111 D.GUDKOV 24/03/2011 02/09/2011 640+20 Delivered from BS COMEB, BS Quantity: Delivered 165 (COMEB), Delivered 78 (BS) , Inventory:165 WFM WG body CLIATLAS0031 26/08/2011 32 COMEB Quantity: Received 9 A. Bartalesi

5 PETS structure TM0 A. Bartalesi 19.09.2011 Name Type Drawing
Design responsible Price inquiry launched Price inquiry deadline Order date Fabrication finish date Delivery date Last update Quantity Real or Mock up? Status Firm Procurement responsible Comments Minitank flange Part CLIATLPE0010 V.SOLDATOV 05/11/2010 12/09/2011 8 R Delivered from Belgium CERN, Belgium A.French Ø J.M.G. reference person, Quantity: Delivered 2 (Belgium) ON-OFF main body CLIATLPE0029 15/01/2011 4 M A. French A.Said reference person, Quantity: Delivered 2 (Belgium) ON-OFF Piston mock-up CLIATLPE0028 Delivered 2 from Belgium J.M.G. reference person, Quantity: Delivered 2 (Belgium) ON-OFF Plug CLIATLPE0027 CERN, Costa, Belgium J.M.G. reference person,Quantity: Delivered 2 (Costa), Delivered 2 (Belgium) PETS Adapter disk 1 CLIATLPE0015 J.M.G. reference person, Quantity: Delivered 2 (Costa), Delivered 2 (Belgium) disk 2 CLIATLPE0020 2 J.M.G. reference person, Quantity: Delivered 1 (Costa), Delivered 1 (Belgium) disk 3 CLIATLPE0048 PETS Beam pipe CLIATLPE0021 ON-OFF half 1 CLIATLPE0033 20/01/2011 14/03/2011 11/07/2011 29/08/2011 Delivered from Lindenthal, Costa Lindenthal, Costa A.Said reference person, Quantity: Delivered 2 (Lindenthal), Delivered 2 (Costa) ON-OFF half 2 CLIATLPE0034 Parallel pin 5x20 CLIATLPE0049 08/07/2011 16 Delivered from Chatel,Costa Chatel, Costa J.M.G. reference person, Quantity: Delivered 8 (Chatel), Delivered 8 (Costa) PETS Mock-up bars CLIATLPE0002 Delivered from Costa Inflite, Costa Quantity: Delivered 2 (Costa) Pin CLIATLPE0004 64 Delivered from Verejnoprospense, Costa Verejnop-rospense, Costa Quantity: Delivered 32 (Verejnoprospense), Delivered 32 (Costa) Plug Ø14 CLIATLPE0043 Delivered from Chatel, Costa J.M.G. reference person, Quantity: Delivered 4 (Chatel), Delivered 4 (Costa) Tube CLIATLPE0011 J.M.G. reference person, Quantity: Delivered 2 (Chatel), Delivered 2 (Costa) A. Bartalesi

6 Thank you! A. Bartalesi

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