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Economics Vocabulary Day 1

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1 Economics Vocabulary Day 1
SS7E5: The Student will analyze different economic systems. SS7E6.b: Compare and contrast different types of trade barriers; such as tariffs, quotas, and embargoes. Bell-Ringer: When you hear the word “economics” what do you first think of? Economics Vocabulary Day 1

2 Notetaking Methods Quiz – Friday (on today and tomorrow’s terms)
For the next 8 words, you may either make a KIM Chart or do 3-Column Notes; whichever method works best for you! Make sure you take good notes; “The better your notes, the better your grade.”

3 Traditional Economy Economic decisions are based on customs and traditions, handed down from generation to generation.

4 Command Economy Economic decisions are made by the government or small group of people - little or no private ownership of property.

5 Market Economy Relies on the individuals (consumers) and businesses (market/producers) to make its economic decisions.

6 Mixed Economy Some decisions are left to individuals and some are made by the government (mixture of market and command).

7 Trade Barriers Something that restricts trade (examples - tariffs, embargoes, and quotas).

8 Tariff Taxes placed on imported goods (items coming into the country).

9 Quota Restrictions on the amount of a good that can be imported into a country. Quotas can cause shortages that cause prices to rise.

10 Embargo Ban on trade with another country.

11 Work Session Create a mini-poster that:
On the front - Lists the four types of economic systems, defines them, and includes a picture about each one. On the back - Create a mini-poster for trade barrier, tariff, quota, and embargo in which you define them and include a picture about each one.

12 Closing Poster presentations in front of the class.

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