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Stephanie Williams and Gloria

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1 Stephanie Williams and Gloria Tran @srawilliamscfhs & @sraTranCBHS
Student Talk > Teacher Talk Student Engagement through Movement and Grouping Stephanie Williams and Gloria Tran @srawilliamscfhs

2 Who are we? Gloria Tran- Stephanie-

3 Smoosh 2 – Dancers on dancing with the stars 3 – Charlie’s Angels 4 – Roller Coaster

4 Smoosh Mix & Mingle 3- Charlie’s Angels

5 What are you or one of your family members going to be for Halloween?

6 Smoosh 4- Roller Coaster

7 HOW do you know a student is engaged?

8 2- Dancers on dancing with the stars
Smoosh 2- Dancers on dancing with the stars

9 How can you use smoosh in your class?

10 Make a circle in order of your birthdays (not the year)
“Telling students what you want them to know is certainly a faster way of addressing standards. But telling does not necessarily equate to learning.” “Vygotsky (1962) suggested that thinking develops into words by moving from imaging to inner speaking to speech. Tracing this idea backward, speech—talk—is the representation of thinking. As such, it seems reasonable to suggest that classrooms should be filled with talk, given that we want them filled with thinking!” Fisher, D., Frey, N., & Rothenberg, C. (2008). Content Area Conversations.

11 Basics of student talk​ ​ 1. Movement​ 2. Pairings & Groupings​ 3
Basics of student talk​ ​ 1. Movement​ 2. Pairings & Groupings​ 3. Prompts​ 4. Accountability 5. Say thank you and high five *Based on Organic World Language ​strategies

12 Movement Benefits Instructions Purposeful Attention grabber
Keep them guessing!

13 Movement the part of the brain that processes movement is the same part of the brain that processes learning Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching with the brain in mind

14 Pairings and Groupings
Why do we group? How do you group kids? Fun ways to group

15 Prompts What are you going to prompt them with to get them talking? Why do they want to talk about it? Graphic, image, questions, short video clip What will they do with the information? Open ended Keep the functions of language in mind! (List, describe, compare, narrate, explain, opinion, ask quesetions)

16 Prompts Write on white boards Work on a handout/activity
Take notes on partner’s comments Post a comment online(blog, discussion board, etc.) Compare HW from night before Create review questions Jigsaw- one person sees the info and needs to communicate it to the other

17 Accountability Why? How? When?

18 Say Thank You and High Five

19 WHEN during class is it useful to get students up and talking?
Double Circles WHEN during class is it useful to get students up and talking?

20 Double Circles Inner Circle- You will see a picture. Describe the picture to your classmate. Say as many things as you can about the picture. Try to use complete sentences and you must speak for 1 minute. Outer Circle- You need to use good listening skills. You may not ask questions or make comments. Only non-verbal communication may be used.


22 Outer circle rotate two people to the left
Outer circle- are you ready to talk? One minute- say as much as you can in complete sentences! Inner circle- your turn for good listening skills!


24 Outer circle rotate 4 people to the right

25 Narrate (real or imaginary)
Compare Explain and defend Ask questions

26 Rock Paper Scissors Evolution


28 Extreme Lines Cardio Vs Weights

29 In your pairs or threes come up with three prompts you could ask your students about cardio vs weights or working out. How could you change the prompts to make it fit novice, intermediate and advanced language learners?

30 Fun pairings and groupings
1. Rock, Paper, Scissors evolution 2. 4 corners 3. Extremes line 4. Double circles 5. 2 lines 6. Similar things: hair, clothes, shoes, eye color, intermediate schools, favorites 7. Opposite things 8. Form a circle in order of: alphabetical order or first or last name, birthday, height 9. Back to back and flip 10. Number off in different ways 11. Pencil toss 12. Dosey doe **Make it relate to your content if you can!

31 Your turn! Come up with at least one pairing and grouping with movement, one prompt and one accountability.

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