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Participants by roles Background Method Objectives Findings

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1 Participants by roles Background Method Objectives Findings
APPLYING THE INTERNATIONAL DELPHI TECHNIQUE IN A STUDY OF MOBILE COLLABORATIVE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Faisal Syafar, Jing Gao, Tina Du Background Method Participants by roles In the last 30 years, the practice of doing maintenance has significantly changed due to developments in equipment design, information and communication technology, cost pressures, customer acceptance of risk and failures (Hodiewicz, 2006) and the existence of multiple stakeholders and departments (Snitkin, 2003). an integrated high-level maintenance system which contains multiple sub-systems requires the collaboration of multiple stakeholders to improve resources, information sharing and maintenance practices. A-three Rounds of Delphi Study: is a group process to solicit expert responses toward reaching consensus on a particular problem, topic, or issue by subjecting them to a series of in-depth questionnaires, interspersed with controlled feedback (Dalkey & Helmer, 1963). Participants by geographic location Participants by roles Objectives To develop and propose an appropriate framework for guiding engineering asset organisations to implement new mobile technology in facilitating collaborative asset maintenance. Research framework Findings Delphi Consensus of Mobile Collaborative Requirements (Technology, Organisation and People Perspectives) Conclusion Overall, a total 34 requirements were identified (from literature and Delphi study). Delphi study round 2 identified 32 requirements, including: Technology = 14 Organisation = 12 People = 6 Out of 32 requirements, 23 were found in the literature and confirmed in the Delphi study (to be common), and 13 were found to one analysis only: Unique to literature = 2 Unique to Delphi = 11 Future Work Industry case studies more relevant collaborative issues in mobile maintenance practice. more relevant information about mobile collaborative maintenance activities, design and implementation. Develop a unique framework that addresses the following issues Maintenance activity - Business process alignment at all three levels (strategic, tactical and operational) in company activities through the variable of mobile collaboration technologies, Engineering asset management with a specific focus on the most critical process – asset maintenance, and Comprehensive framework that meet all requirements (technological, organisational and personal perspectives).

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