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Julie Payette Public School

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1 Julie Payette Public School 2017-2018
Curriculum Night Julie Payette Public School

2 Welcome Parents! Welcome to our Grade Four Classroom
Goals for the open house: To help parents understand where, what and how their children will be learning To answer any questions you may have To share information about how parents can support their child’s learning

3 Take a handout In our handout, you’ll find:
A list of the subjects and curriculum strands to be covered throughout this school year The names of all coverage teachers Routines and expectations General information

4 A day in the life of a Grade 4 F.I. student 2017…
*50/50 New French Immersion system New to all schools in DDSB. Students are now learning 50% of subjects in French and 50% in English. Subjects taught in French by M. Naud are: French language, Science, Health/Phys Ed and oDance/Drama along with Social Studies taught by Mme O’Connor Subjects taught in English by Mrs. Barbuto are: English language and Mathematics along with Music taught by Mr. Ayer and Visual Arts taught by Mrs. Sharpless Each student begins learning subjects in one portable then must switch portables in the afternoon. We are Portable 1 and Portable 2.

5 A day in the life continued…
*Transition, transition, transition being organized and flexible has never been more important as students are constantly moving locations (portable to portable, portable to lunchroom, gymnasium, library, etc) Students will learn to be responsible for coordinating their schedules, school materials and personal items We ask that the students limit the amount of personal items they bring to school for this reason (i.e. toys)

6 Class Information Classroom based information will be found on the teachers pages option of the Julie Payette PS website. Barbuto and Naud will share a linked website. The website will contain 4N and 4Ba classroom relevant information including major assessment dates, special activities, homework and more. It is updated frequently so check in often. All school based information is found on the school webpage ( School newsletter and special event calendar can be found on the school webpage. Communication tools for success will be our class website, the agenda and the Remind app. For instant classroom announcements, please download the Remind app and follow the instructions and enter the class codes to join. You need only do this once.

7 Remind App Once the Remind app is downloaded from your app store
Enter this number (289) Then text this message to join our class @4n4b That’s it!

8 Agendas Now that almost everyone has an agenda, we will be able to begin using them as a class….look for upcoming events listed. Please leave the divider/ruler in your child’s agenda. It helps to mark the correct page and makes if easier for us to check them for communication notes each day. Agendas are checked first thing in the morning and right after lunch by both teachers. Parents are encouraged to check the agenda and sign it nightly. If you wish to contact us with any questions, this is the best way. You could also call the school and leave a message. Agendas are still available and can be purchased at any time.

9 Online School Cash To help facilitate the payment of school related items, we strongly encourage signing up for School Cash through the Julie Payette PS website. It simply makes everything easier for everyone. Look for the tab at the bottom right to sign up If you are still using money, we ask that you put it in a Ziploc bag and label it: *your child’s name and class *the amount *the reason for payment

10 Exit Procedures Students will be excused at the end of the day to exit the portable and make their way to their assigned bus, walk or go to their planned meeting place. Please be sure to call the office and make arrangements if you will not be there at the bell to meet your child.

11 Report Cards Please watch for three reports to be sent home this year. One progress report and two full report cards.

12 November – Progress Report
Focus on Learning Skills and Work Habits RESPONSIBILITY, ORGANIZATION, INDEPENDENT WORK, COLLABORATION, INITIATIVE AND SELF-REGULATION Progress is indicated by a checkmark Progressing Very Well Progressing Well Progressing With Difficulty

13 Report Card One and Two Letter Grades are assigned for each subject
The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills. Achievement exceeds the provincial standard. (A-, A, A+) The student has demonstrated most of the required knowledge and skills. Achievement meets the provincial standard. (B-, B, B+) The student has demonstrated some of the required knowledge and skills. Achievement approaches the provincial standard. (C-, C, C+) The student has demonstrated some of the required skills. Achievement falls much below the provincial standard. (D-, D, D+)

14 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
We are looking for certain items that really help to make our classroom a better place to be Check out our website for items that we need and thank you to those who have already donated

15 Questions? Please feel free to take a moment to explore the classroom.
Thank you

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