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What Your SLA Means To You…

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1 What Your SLA Means To You…
PrLG Training Day 13th May 2015

2 History Previously, the PSO/PSI for Prison Libraries was comprehensive enough to guide & support Prison Library Staff. At HMP Birmingham, we were lucky enough to have a SLA created by Sue Wilkinson (Chair of PrLG). This document was 28 pages long. The template in PSI is around 7 pages long. The PSO/PSI often negated the need for a Service Level Agreement between Public Library Authorities and prison establishments.

3 Prison Service Instructions [PSI]
In the last 4 years, the relevant PSI has altered Prison Library guidance. PSI 45/2011 was a much shorter document with a Prison Library Specification attached. PSI 02/2015 is shorter still with the same Prison Library Specification – but with a heavy dependence on a Service Level Agreement. NOMS trying to standardise what a Prison Library Service should provide with Prison Library Specidfication. The PSI now places responsibility on the PLA and the prison establishment in the form of the SLA.

4 HMP Birmingham & Birmingham Libraries
HMP Birmingham SLA was comprehensive. Stood as a static document and guided provision for a number of years [2008 till now] In 2011, G4S won contract to run HMP Birmingham. SLA wasn’t seen or discussed during or after the tender process. Lack of consistent management from Birmingham Libraries. Relationship between HMP Bham and Bham Libraries was formal yet not constrained by the SLA Led to a feeling that HMP Bham/G4S were taking advantage of the Prison Library Service and Bham Libraries. Demands for resources and services that were beyond the norm. SLA only updated with G4S logo and removal of Prison Library Officer job description. Several senior PLA managers left taking knowledge of managing the Prison Library Service and managing prison expectations.

5 Library of Birmingham & G4S
New consistent line manager Has never experienced prison libraries. Quick and steep learning curve Service Level Agreements Prison Service Instruction Staffing for escorting purposes Settled PLA management due to Library of Birmingham opening New management needed to learn the basics of managing a remote service operating in a prison and all the issues surrounding that. Low numbers, prison staffing, security issues etc. A lot of information to take on board as well as managing a prestigious new library project.

6 Library of Birmingham & G4S
Senior Management aware of the need for an updated relevant document. Birmingham Libraries aware of need to protect their efforts. Senior Management reworking the SLA with awareness of the financial circumstances for both Birmingham Libraries and HMP Birmingham, a new PSI and the increased emphasis on SLA’s. Scheduled regular meetings between HMP Bham L&S staff and Bham Libs staff. Bham Libs having greater communication with HMP Bham re: moving the SLA forward but with the greater understanding that the prison establishment should not just use the staff or resources as they see fit. A document reflecting the new demands placed on both parties by the PSI. A document that should reflect the specific requirements of the individual prison establishment using past copies and the prison library specification as a basis to start. G4S and NOMS want value for money and prisoners through the door (esp from a contracted prison) and Bham Libraries want prisoners using the resources and initiatives delivered through the Prison Library Service.

7 Writing the SLA Prison Library Manager not involved in the task of reworking the SLA document. Seen as a Senior Management task. Bonus that managers on both sides are aware of the document, its content and the need for it to be a working document to be revised regularly. Prison Library Manager engaged in reviewing existing SLA document and informing of any relevant changes required on both sides.

8 Points to remember The Service Level Agreement is now considered a working document which should be revisited several times a year. It should reflect the requirements and needs of both parties. Know the PSI and your SLA inside out. The SLA template is just that…a guide. As a working document, you can add or delete where appropriate and keep your library service relevant. Requirements and needs – staffing, opening times, H&S, access for prisoners, financial updates, data requirements – for both the PLA and the Prison. Knowing the SLA will help inform provision and feedback to management. Use the template – but be aware that every prison is different. Amend and personalise as you see fit.

9 Finally… The Service Level Agreement is a document agreeing Prison Library provision between all parties – the prison, the public library authority and most of all, you. You run the service and should be consulted at all times about the content of the way forward as set out in the SLA. Be brave enough to know what you need and what you want.

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