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1. almond 2. anchovy 3. appetizer 4. Appetite 5. avocado 6. bacon

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Presentation on theme: "1. almond 2. anchovy 3. appetizer 4. Appetite 5. avocado 6. bacon"— Presentation transcript:

1 Before we talk about hyperbole and irony, let us read some words that are related to food.
1. almond 2. anchovy 3. appetizer 4. Appetite 5. avocado 6. bacon 7. bake barbecue 9. boil 10. bowl cake candy 13. cauliflower 14. celery cereal 16. dairy dessert 18. diner 19. dish doughnut 21. fillet 22. flour fork freezer 25. frosting garlic ginger 28. grain gravy guava

2 Were you able to read all the words correctly?
30 correct words correct words correct words correct words correct words Be sure to practice reading the words if you got four smileys and below.

3 Task 2: Simile or Metaphor?
Pair Up With your seatmate or partner, choose from the list the meaning of the simile or metaphor. Then, identify whether the sentence has a simile or a metaphor. A. Very flat B. Very warm C. Eats too much D. Doesn’t seem to get full E. Always sitting down to watch TV 1. Max is a pig when he eats. 2. His stomach is a black hole. 3. My brother is a couch potato. 4. Your tune is as flat as a pancake. 5. The reception is as warm as toast. Did you get all the meanings correctly?

4 Let’s get started with learning the next figures of speech.
The story “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs” which you heard yesterday is an example of a tall tale. A tall tale is an exaggerated story. Exaggerated means enlarged or magnified. Why is the story a tall tale? What are the things that are exaggerated in the story?

5 The first picture depicts a hyperbole “when pigs fly.”
Study the following pictures. The first picture depicts a hyperbole “when pigs fly.” “When pigs fly” is a phrase that expresses impossibility because pigs do not fly. The second picture depicts an irony because the car hit a signage that says REDUCE SPEED NOW.

6 Hyperbole is present when you exaggerate what you mean or emphasize a point.
It’s often used to make something look or sound much bigger and better than it actually is. Examples: 1. I ate a ton of food for dinner. 2. There’s enough food in the cupboard to feed an entire army!

7 Irony is present when you convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.
There are three kinds of irony: verbal, dramatic, and situational. Verbal irony is when a character says one thing but means the opposite. It is also called sarcasm or being sarcastic. Examples: 1. The locker room smells really good. 2. Awesome! Another long test! Dramatic irony is when the reader understands more about the events of a story than a character. You know something that a character doesn’t.

8 Dramatic irony is when the reader understands more about the events of a story than a character. You know something that a character doesn’t. Examples: 1. Bart’s parents are proud of the “A” he got on the test, but we know he cheated. 2. Jay writes a love poem to Fe but we know that Fe loves Joel. Situational irony is when what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected. Something about the situation is completely unexpected.

9 Group Activity A. As a group, discuss the following hyperbole. Be ready for a group reporting afterwards. 1. He’s running faster than the wind. 2. My dad will kill me when he comes home. 3. She was so happy; her smile was a mile wide. 4. I’ve read this book a hundred times. 5. My hand hurts so much it’s going to drop off. B. As a group, discuss the following irony. Be ready for a group reporting. 1. A fire station burns down. 2. The police station gets robbed. 3. An airplane pilot has a fear of heights. 4. The teacher fails the test. 5. A lady opens an umbrella while swimming in the pool so she won’t get soaked by the rain.

10 Let’s Remember Hyperbole is an exaggeration. Irony is something that is unexpected.  If it’s sarcasm, it’s verbal.  If unexpected by a character, it’s dramatic.  If unexpected by everyone, it’s situational.

11 With your seatmate/partner, choose one hyperbole and one irony
With your seatmate/partner, choose one hyperbole and one irony. Then, discuss and write down your reason why you think it is a hyperbole or an irony. This bag weighs a ton. 2. Your skin is softer than silk. 3. That man is as tall as a house. 4. My brother is stronger than steel. 5. The dress costs me a million pesos. 6. He posts on Facebook how useless Facebook is. 7. The marriage counsellor files for legal separation. 8. A man who needs medical assistance is hit by the ambulance. 9. Two people want a divorce and during the proceedings, they discover that they still love each other and want to stay married to each other. 10. In the 1920s, the New York Times said solving crossword puzzles was a craze that would die out. Years later and even today, their crossword puzzle is wellknown.

12 Hyperbole Sentence Reason B. Irony


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