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Meet the newborn Unit 3 Chapter 11.

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1 Meet the newborn Unit 3 Chapter 11

2 Bell Ringer December 5th , 2011
What are some apprehensions that you have about meeting your future baby for the first time?

3 The newborn at birth During prenatal development the baby’s lungs are filled with fluid The pressure of being squeezed down the birth canal forces out the fluid When the baby finally emerges the pressure is released and the babies lungs automatically expand THE BABY TAKES A FIRST BREATH!

4 The Newborn at birth Blood now begins to flow through the lungs instead of the umbilical cord The umbilical cord is clamped, tied and cut off

5 The lizard… Baby’s head is ¼ it’s entire length
It is lopsided from passage through the birth canal Baby usually has Short nose Receding chin Big eyes Fat cheeks Fontanels Open spaces where the bones of the baby’s skull have not yet permanently joined

6 The lizard…. Vernix Newborns heads are usually lopsided
Greasy white material that keeps the newborns skin safe from the amniotic fluid Newborns heads are usually lopsided Skin is usually blotchy Milia Pimple like bumps

7 The lizard……. Jaundice Cross eyed
Occurs when a baby’s liver is not yet able to break down bilirubin. Causes skin to have a yellowish appearance Cross eyed Cannot yet focus Light skinned babies almost always have blue eyes at birth, dark skinned have brown eyes Individual eye color develops in a few weeks

8 Postnatal care Apgar Scale Assesses infants on: 7 an up excellent
Dr. Virginia Apgar Minutes after delivery Rate’s the infants physical condition Assesses infants on: 7 an up excellent Heart Rate Breathing Rate Muscle Tone Reflex Response Color

9 Routine Newborn Care Medicated drops in eyes to prevent infection
Vitamin k injection and hepatitis B vaccine Weighed measured, and washed Identification band footprints

10 Neonatal Intensive Care
Specializing in the care of ill or premature infants 10% of pregnancies result in premature birth Incubator Enclosed crib in which temp, humidity and oxygen level can be controlled

11 Postnatal care for a mother
Why do you think that hospital stays are shorter than they used to be? moving and healing are aided by getting patients moving sooner Blood pressure, pulse and breathing monitored After birth mothers often feel chills, hunger, and/or thirst Many times given a light snack

12 The Hospital Stay Used to be an average of five days Rooming-in
Today the average stay is a day or two Rooming-in Option for the baby to be cared for in the mother’s room rather than in the hospital Full time or partial

13 Birth Certificate Hospital does the paperwork of registering
Must have one to get a ssn Proves: Legal age Citizenship relationship

14 Bonding the process of forming an attachment or feeling of close connection between parent and child many health care providers allow parents to hold their baby immediately after delivery Baby can hear mothers heartbeat and fathers voice

15 Bonding Can affect a child in their relationships for the rest of their lives Can bond in many ways Video

16 Breastfeeding Colostrum Yellow fluid rich in nutrients and antibodies
Helps prevent infections Hospitals have lactation consultants that will help you to get started

17 Assignment Stages of Labor and The postnatal period

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