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EMC Electronics and Trigger Review and Trigger Plan

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1 EMC Electronics and Trigger Review and Trigger Plan
Valerio Bocci INFN Roma EMC Electronics: INFN Roma,INFN Perugia Trigger: INFN Roma,INFN Perugia,INFN Roma 3,INFN Naples,INFN LNF

2 SuperB EMC EMC Barrel : EMC Forward = 5760 CsI(Tl) Crystals
4400 Lyso Crystals (176 modules) 2 2

3 25 crystals tower readout electronics
Crystals Mechanics X 5 4X X 5 X 5 Ranges Lvds 5 Shaper Range Board VFE Board Differential ADC Board 5 5 ranges analog Coded PIN Or APD ADC CLK I2c VME 25 channel (full module readout) All boards produced LNF General Meeting September 28, Valerio Bocci

4 Very Front End Board HV CSP EMC VFE Board 5 CSP Channels
Buffer Diff or SE DRV EMC VFE Board 5 CSP Channels Enable to mount: Cremat, Hamamatsu, Home Made CSP HV distribution CSP Buffer Diff or SE DRV CSP Buffer Diff or SE DRV CSP Buffer Diff or SE DRV CSP Buffer Diff or SE DRV LNF General Meeting September 28, Valerio Bocci

5 EMC Ranges shaper board
X5 Channels Analog Rcv from FE x.5 CR200 Analog Diff Output Signal out 1bit range LVDS x32 CR200 ADC CLK Switch Logic Switch_Ctrl Cmp_stretch DAC Thr Setting ProAsic3 FPGA Range info Analog Coded Fast Comparator I2c LNF General Meeting September 28, Valerio Bocci

6 Energy Resolution new ADB
MeV % Low Range % High Range % Range selected/ 1 6.87 219.73 10 0.69 21.97 100 0.07 2.20 200 0.03 1.10 300 OVF 0.73 1000 0.22 9000 0.02 Low Range High Range Elba SuperB General Meeting 30 May- 5 Jume Valerio Bocci 6

7 Old ADB Energy resolution
LNF XI General Meeting December 1, Valerio Bocci 7

8 As we know the noise spectrum depends from the shaping time we do not find any noise source with an heavy contribution. Power Spectrum 500 ns Shaper Power Spectrum 250 ns Shaper Power Spectrum 100 ns Shaper More noise XV SuperB General Meeting – Caltech December 2010 Valerio Bocci 8

9 We integrate the noise spectrum and we have evaluated the noise level in Veff
100ns -> 745 uVeff( MHz) 200 ns -> 565 uVeff ( MHz) 500 ns -> 418 uVeff ( MHz ) XV SuperB General Meeting – Caltech December 2010 Valerio Bocci

10 Electronics Plan The electronics of the Forward follows the discussions of the detector and try to support the test beams. It is not fixed and strongly depends of the detector type. After the SuperB approval we have to follow better the electronics of the Barrel where we have more fixed points. We startup a collaboration with Roma3,Naples,LNF Perugia, for Central trigger design.

11 What we are doing for BTF 2 nd LNF Test
We want to study better the response of Crystals The electronics worked well during the CERN test beams and we understood the noise source (shaper) We don’t want to touch to much the electronics to have more or less the same system to factorize problems. We only adjust the amplification chain to lower energy scale of the BTF (100 Mev to 500 Mev) Valerio Bocci 2011

12 Range Arrangements for BTF2

13 2 nd BTF beam test 380 V High Gain 1MeV~12.6 mV OR
Low Gain 193MeV = ADC 1MeV~3.77mV 308 V CSP CR110 4.3 V No Shaper attenuation Stage 1 Shaper preamp Stage 2*0.819 10x Shaper + driver Crystal ADC NC VFE VME RANGE Connect 1 CMS APD We read one APD for channel We use two scale High Gain Low Gain changing the APD voltage Gain 0.6 mv/MeV (High Gain) 0.18 mv/Mev(Low Gain) Valerio Bocci 2011

14 EMC Forward Trigger Primitives
SuperB EMC Forward = 4400 Lyso Crystals 176 Sums unit Sum of the energy deposition of the 25 crystals of each Forward module. Elba SuperB General Meeting 30 May- 5 June Valerio Bocci

15 EMC Barrel Trigger Primitives
EMC Barrel :5760 CsI(Tl) Crystals 480 Sums unit Sum of the energy deposition of 12 crystals of the barrel module any sample time Elba SuperB General Meeting 30 May- 5 June Valerio Bocci 15 15

16 S EMC Fast Trigger Path and Slow Energy Path Energy Slow Path Double
Range shaper Range (0,1) CSP X Ncryst Trigger Fast Path Analog S Pulse Encoder n LVDS Trigger Tower module Valerio Bocci 2011

17 S EMC Forward tentative of Implementation Double Range shaper X5 Range
CSP X5 X5 S 5 input VME Range Shaper 5 x 5 =25 crystal tower VFE New Circuit Analog Sum over 5 input. Analog S Pulse Encoder 5 input LVDS Trigger Tower module X 176 lvds Links Valerio Bocci 2011

18 EMC Trigger Processor 44x4=176 tower TP0_EMC Width DAQ
LVDS TP0_EMC Addr Time Energy Addr Time Energy Addr Time Energy Addr Addr Time Energy Addr Time Energy Addr Time Energy Ntower LVDS cables (176 Lvds cables Forward EMC) Active Towers Width DAQ Trigger processor level0 Cluser Information extracted Addr of each tower Extract Energy for each tower (width measurement) Extract T for each Tower T Valerio Bocci 2011

19 Trigger timing in the BaBarBarrel CsI (Tl doped)
P. D. Dauncey et Al., “Design and performance of the level 1 calorimeter trigger for the BABAR detector” (2001) 3 thresholds applied to the signal of the tower. The plot shows the difference between the EMC trigger time and the DC trigger time. A FIR Filter with 8 parameters was applied to the signal. Its zero crossing occurred at roughly a fixed time distance from the start of the signal, it was used to gate the threshold information. Due to this mechanism the time resolution was about 100 ns. 19

20 Trigger Crate CTP Central Trigger Processor
TP0_FEMC TP0_EMC0 TP0_EMC1 TP0_EMC2 CTP TP0_DC0 TP0_DC0 Central Trigger Processor The central trigger processor get the informations from the TP0 units and create the trigger. The edge of DC chamber has the same addr structure of the EMC. Valerio Bocci 2011

21 There is some space in the old Dirc

22 Plan For BTF FEMC test in May we need all the pieces for system integration asap. We need a Babar Barrel CsI(Tl) to understand how to readout the Barrel We setup a trigger group to define trigger strategy

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