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Magnetic Particle Inspection TWI

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1 Magnetic Particle Inspection TWI

2 Magnetism Some natural materials strongly attract pieces of iron to themselves. Such materials were first discovered in the ancient Greek city of Magnesia. Magnets were utilised in navigation. Oersted found a link between electricity and magnetism. Faraday proved that electrical and magnetic energy could be interchanged.

3 Magnetic Particle Inspection (MT or MPI)
MT is a test method for the detection of surface and near surface defects in ferromagnetic materials. Magnetic field induced in component Defects disrupt the magnetic flux causing “flux leakage”. Flux leakage can be detected by applying ferromagnetic particles

4 Permeability (μ) Permeability can be defined as the relative ease with which a material may be magnetised. It is defined as the ratio of the flux density (B) produced within a material under the influence of an applied field to the applied field strength (H) μ =B/H

5 Permeability (μ) On the basis of their permeability materials can be divided into 3 groups: Diamagnetic Paramagnetic Ferromagnetic

6 Permeability (μ) Diamagnetic: Permeability slightly below 1, weakly repelled by magnets. Examples: Gold, Copper, Water Paramagnetic: Permeability slightly greater than 1, weakly attracted by magnets. Examples: Aluminium, Tungsten Ferromagnetic: Very high permeability, strongly attracted by magnets. Examples: Iron, Cobalt, Nickel

7 Domain theory Unmagnetized state Domains randomly orientated
A domain is a minute internal magnet Each domain comprises 1015 to 1020 atoms N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S Unmagnetized state Domains randomly orientated

8 Domain Theory N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S Magnetized state Domains orientated in external magnetic field N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S

9 Domain Theory N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S Saturated state All domains orientated in strong external field N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S

10 N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S Un-magnetised N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S

11 Un-magnetised Magnetised N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S

12 Un-magnetised Magnetised Saturated N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S

13 Un-magnetised Magnetised Saturated Residual N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S N-S

14 Lines of Flux N S

15 Lines of flux By convention they flow from North to South outside and South to North inside They form closed loops They never cross They follow path of least resistance Flux density is the number of lines of flux passing through a unit area. Field strength is highest where where flux density is highest.

16 Electromagnetism + _ Direction of current flow
A current flows through a conductor and sets up a magnetic field around it Field is at 90o to the direction of the electrical current Direction of current flow + _ Direction of magnetic field

17 Right Hand Rule Current Field Right Hand Rule + _

18 Coil Magnetisation _ + N S Changes circular field into longitudinal
Increases the strength of the field

19 Hysteresis Place an un-magnetised piece of ferromagnetic material within a coil Saturation point B+ Virgin curve H + H - B-

20 Hysteresis B + Residual magnetism H - H + H + B -

21 Hysteresis B+ H - H + H + Coercive force B -

22 Hysteresis B + H - H + H + Negative saturation point B -

23 Hysteresis A B C F E D

24 Hysteresis Hard ferromagnetic Soft ferromagnetic

25 Permeability (µ) The ease with which a material can be magnetised
Opposite of reluctance (difficulty with which a material can be magnetised) µ = B / H Permeability of free space = µo Relative Permeability (µr) = µ / µo

26 Relative Permeability (µr)
Paramagnetics Slightly > 1 Diamagnetics Slightly < 1 Ferromagnetics

27 Hard v Soft Ferromagnetics
Soft Hard Typically Low carbon steel High permeability Easy to magnetise Low residual magnetism Typically high carbon steel Lower permeability More difficult to magnetise High levels of residual magnetism

28 Definitions Magnetic field Region in which magnetic forces exist
Flux Total number of lines existing in a magnetic circuit Flux Density Magnetic flux per unit area (measured in Tesla)

29 Principle of MPI : Flux Leakage
No Defect Defect N S N S Lines of flux follow the path of least resistance


31 Visibility of Flux Leakage
Depends on: Depth of defect Orientation of defect shape of defect Size of defect Permeability of material Applied Field Strength Contrast

32 Indications Relevant Indications - Indications due to discontinuities or flaws Non-Relevant Indications - Indications due to flux leakage from design features Spurious Indications - Indications due incorrect inspection procedures

33 Defect Orientation N S Defect at 90 degrees to flux : maximum indication

34 Defect Orientation N S >30 Degrees to Flux: Acceptable indication

35 Defect Orientation N S <30 Degrees to Flux : Weak indication

36 Defect Orientation N S Field N S Field Test 1 Test 2
MPI requires 2 tests at 90o to one another

37 Equipment

38 Permanent Magnet N S Longitudinal field between poles
Maximum sensitivity for defects orientated at 90º to a line drawn between poles N S

39 Permanent Magnet Advantages No power supply
No electrical contact problems Inexpensive No damage to test piece Lightweight Disadvantages Direct field only Deteriorate over time No control over field strength Poles attract detecting media Tiring to use

40 Electromagnetism + _ Direction of current flow
A current flows through a conductor and sets up a magnetic field around it Field is at 90o to the direction of the electrical current Direction of current flow _ + Direction of magnetic field

41 Coil Magnetisation _ + N S Changes circular field into longitudinal
Increases the strength of the field

42 Electromagnets Maximum sensitivity for defects orientated at 90º to a line drawn between the poles Magnetic Field Induced in Core by Electric Current Passed Through Coil Soft Iron Laminated Core Adjustable Legs & Pole Pieces

43 Electromagnets Advantages AC,DC or rectified
Controllable field strength No harm to test piece Can be used to demagnetise Easily removed Disadvantages Power supply required Longitudinal field only Electrical hazard Poles attract particles Legs must have area contact

44 Prods Current passed between 2 contacts.
Defects detected parallel to contacts Field Current Defects


46 Prods Advantages AC,DC or rectified Controllable field strength
No poles attract particles Control of amperage Disadvantages Arcing / damage to work piece Transformer required Current can be switched on without creating field Good contact required 2 man operation

47 Flexible Cable Flexible, current carrying cable Used as Adjacent cable
Threading cable Flexible coil

48 Flexible Cable Disadvantages Advantages
Difficult to keep cables in place High currents required Transformer required Advantages Simple to operate No danger of burning AC,DC or rectified Current adjustable

49 Current Flow Current passed through sample Defects Current
Circular Field Defects

50 Threading Bar Current passed through brass bar placed between heads of bench unit Circular field generated around bar Sample hung from bar

51 Magnetic Flow Magnetism passed through sample Defects Magnetism

52 Coil Magnetisation Changes circular field into longitudinal
Increases the strength of the field

53 Rigid Coil Current passed through coil to generate a longitudinal field Defects Magnetism

54 MPI Equipment Portable Permanent magnet Electromagnet Prods
Flexible coil Flexible cable Clamps and leeches Fixed Current flow Magnetic flow Threader Bar Rigid coil Induced current

55 The Swinging Field Method
Uses two magnetic fields at 90º to each other applied alternately.

56 Testing Values Page 64

57 Current Types Direct current (DC) Alternating current (AC)
Half wave rectified current (HWDC or HWRAC) Full wave rectified (FWDC or FWRAC)

58 Direct Current + - Disadvantages No agitation Advantages
Less sensitive to surface defects Advantages Sub-surface defects Availability from batteries

59 Alternating Current Disadvantages Advantages
Will not detect sub-surface defects Advantages Availability Sensitivity to surface defects Agitation of particles Demagnetisation

60 Half Wave Rectified Current
Advantages Penetration like DC Agitation Ease of production High flux density for less power Disadvantages Sensitivity to surface defects lower than AC

61 Full Wave Rectified Current
Advantages Penetration like DC Agitation Disadvantages Sensitivity to surface defects lower than AC


63 RMS 16 12 8 4 -4

64 Direct Current: Field distribution

65 A.C. : Field distribution

66 SKIN EFFECT AC FIELD DC FIELD In order to achieve the same
LEAKAGE DC FIELD NO LEAKAGE In order to achieve the same sensitivity to shallow defects a DC field must be far more powerful than a corresponding AC field

67 Permanent Magnet and DC Electromagnet
Use the Lift Test For pole spacing from 75 to 150mm kg N S

68 AC Electromagnets N / S Use the Lift Test
For pole spacing no more than 300mm kg N S /

69 PROD METHOD Current passed through sample, typically: 5 Amps (rms) per mm of prod spacing

70 Flexible Coil I = 3H(T + Y2 / 4T) for DC I = 3H(10 + Y2 / 40) for AC Y

71 Adjacent Cable D D Defects located parallel to cable I = 4 d H
Return cable separated by 10d D D

72 Current Flow Defects Current Circular Field
Current passed through sample, typically: I = H  diameter or I = H x perimeter For D/d = 1.5 or less, one shot only req’d Defects Current Circular Field

73 Threading Bar I = H x perimeter
Increase the current (I) to increase R, the radius of the test zone. R R

74 Component placed within field and rotated for complete coverage
Threading Bar Component placed within field and rotated for complete coverage

75 Field strength can be assessed using a “flux indicator”.
Magnetic Flow Magnetism passed through sample Defects Magnetism Field strength can be assessed using a “flux indicator”.

76 0.4 H K 0.4 H K NI = N = L / D L / D x I Rigid Coil
N = Number of turns in coil K = 32,000 for DC (typical) 22,000 for AC or FWR (typical) 11,000 for HWR (typical) L/D = Length / Diameter

77 Rigid Coil Conditions Cross section of test piece <10% of Coil (the fill factor) Test piece must lie against side or bottom The test zone is the part of the component which lies within the coil L / D must be between 5 and 20

78 (Do not use with permanent magnets or DC electromagnets.)
FLUX INDICATORS Check for adequate flux density and correct orientation with Flux Indicators. (Do not use with permanent magnets or DC electromagnets.)




82 Detecting Media

83 Dry Magnetic Particles
Iron powder or magnetic iron oxide (magnetite). microns, rounded and elongated shapes Colours vary for contrast against component Can be used on hot surfaces Poor particle mobility, HWDC best, DC or permanent magnets must never be used Greater operator skill required Difficult to apply to overhead surfaces especially in field conditions Generally less sensitive than wet particles

84 Wet Magnetic Particles
Magnetic iron oxide (magnetite) or iron powder microns rounded and elongated shapes Colour contrast or fluorescent Water or kerosene based Concentration important Good particle mobility Easier to use More sensitive

85 Detecting Media Magnetic Rubber
Fluorescence may degrade under UV(A), when exposed to acid and high temperatures

86 Demagnetisation

87 Check for removal with Field strength meter (magnetometer)
Demagnetisation Removal of residual magnetisation Required for: Aircraft parts Rotating parts Components to be welded,machined or electroplated Check for removal with Field strength meter (magnetometer)

88 How to Demagnetise? Flux
A constantly reversing and reducing magnetic field Flux

89 Methods of Demagnetisation
Aperture type coil reversing stepped DC Aperture type coil reducing AC AC or reversing DC aperture type coil, withdraw component along the coil axis AC electromagnet Heating to above the Curie point (about 770C for steel)

90 MPI Practices

91 Test Methods Continuous or Residual Fluorescent or Visible Wet or Dry

92 Continuous or Residual?
Continuous Method Detecting media applied immediately prior to & during magnetisation. Residual Detecting media used after the applied field has been removed. Requires high retentivity. Less sensitive than continuous. Useful for components like ball bearings

93 No special lighting required Higher concentration of particles
Fluorescent or Visible? Visible No special lighting required Higher concentration of particles Background paint may be required Fluorescent Detecting media dye coated More sensitive Less tiring for operators Better for batch inspections

94 NB All surface defects form indications
But not all indications are caused by defects Relevant indications…Linear 3:1 Non-relevant indications Due to flux leakage but arising from design features Changes in section Changes in permeability Grain boundaries Forging flow lines Spurious indications Not due to flux leakage Lint Scale Dirt Hairs Magnetic writing

95 Control and Maintenance Checks
To ensure equipment,ancillaries and materials are up to standard Ink Lighting conditions Magnetising units

96 Control and Maintenance Checks
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 100 100 ml 1.0 ml 0.5 ml Ink settlement

97 Ink Settlement Test Fluorescent Ink 0.1 - 0.3 % Non-Fluorescent Ink

98 Control and Maintenance Checks
Ink settlement Fluorescent ink check Equipment performance check

99 Equipment Performance Checks
Current flow test piece Magnetic flow test piece Cracked component

100 Equipment Performance Checks
Steel Bar Through Drilled Hole Indication Magnetic Flow Test Piece

101 Equipment Performance Checks
Aluminium Rod Plastic Bush Mild Steel Disc Through Drilled Holes Current Flow Test Piece

102 Control and Maintenance Checks
Ink settlement Fluorescent ink check Equipment performance check Viewing efficiency Magnetising unit Unit tank levels Unit ammeters Demagnetiser

103 Control Check Frequency
Settlement test Daily Fluorescent intensity Weekly Test piece Daily Viewing efficiency Monthly

104 Maintenance Check Frequency
Magnetising units Weekly Tank levels Daily UV lamp Monthly Ammeters 6 monthly Demagnetiser 6 monthly

105 UV(A)

106 Electromagnetic Spectrum
X-rays & Gamma Electric Waves Microwaves Ultra violet Infra red TV Light cm Wavelength

107 A Damaged Black Light UV-B&C UV-C UV-B UV-A
Electromagnetic Spectrum A Damaged Black Light UV-B&C UV-C UV-B UV-A ULTRAVIOLET VISIBLE LIGHT LIGHT

108 Fluorescence Precautions Avoid looking directly at the lamp
UV-A Source : Mercury vapour arc lamp + Filter Precautions Avoid looking directly at the lamp Do not use if filter is cracked, damaged or incorrectly fitted

109 Fluorescence and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

110 Fluorescent v Colour Contrast
Fluorescent methods are more sensitive. Less operator fatigue with fluorescent. Background lacquer is not required. Fluorescent properties will degrade if exposed to UV light, acids, alkalis or high temperature. Background fluorescence is a problem on rough surfaces. Some oils will produce strong background fluorescence. Low background light levels are required.

111 Fluorescent v Colour Contrast Fluorescent Particles
Black Particles Fluorescent Particles

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