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Humanitarian organization “Partner”

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1 Humanitarian organization “Partner”
Banja Luka Mr Sc Sanja Malić Belgrade, october 2015 Humanitarian organization “Partner” Banja Luka

2 MISSION Established in 2001 by several professionals
and a few people with disabilities non-political, non-governmental and non-profit organization with a goal to offer humanitarian, health, psychological, social, and educational assistance and support to people in need and their families, as well as to work on raising awareness and sensitivity of the broader social community, introduction and application of new working techniques, advocacy aimed at improvement of the quality of life of these people. Humanitarian organization “Partner” Banja Luka

3 GOALS Advocacy for changes in legislation
Promotion and implementation of the UN convention on rights of persons with disabilities and the Strategy for improvement of social status of persons with disabilities Cross disability organization Humanitarian organization “Partner” Banja Luka

4 GOALS - continued Equal possibilities for all citizens
Independent living Accessible environment Support services – Personal assistance, peer support and assistance, aids Home care services Information – InfoPart Humanitarian organization “Partner” Banja Luka

5 Centre for support to Students with Disabilities
Established in October 2006 Initiated by “Info-Part” through project supported by Carolinska Insitute Canada - Organizational unit at the University of Banja Luka Placed at Campus available to many students Humanitarian organization “Partner” Banja Luka

6 Role in Trans2Work project
Motivation of students Raising awareness of families Participation in research implementation Partner in organizing support to youth with disabilities Humanitarian organization “Partner” Banja Luka

7 Tema engaged in Trans2Work

8 Humanitarian organization “Partner” Banja Luka - www. ho-partner. rs
Humanitarian organization “Partner” Banja Luka

9 Looking forward to future cooperation
Humanitarian organization “Partner” Banja Luka

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