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Primary Newsletter – Friday 10th November 2017

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1 Primary Newsletter – Friday 10th November 2017
YEAR 3 ASSEMBLY Last Friday class 3E confidently presented their learning on the ‘Stone Age’ in assembly. The lucky audience had the pleasure of watching dancing, singing, poetry and drama. Well done year 3! LEARNING IS FUN! We are always trying new ways to make learning fun and memorable. This week, Year 4 children have been learning about the water cycle and they made up dance routines to the water cycle song so they would remember it! GIRLS FOOTBALL The Year 5 girls thoroughly enjoyed their football coaching session this week. Mr Szwejkowski was extremely impressed with their fantastic effort and truly professional outlook. Well done girls! FOREST SCHOOL We are very lucky to have our very own Forest School within the grounds of St Matthew Academy. This week, Dragonfly class had a scavenger hunt during their Forest School session. They also made stick men, twig towers and worked hard to make the tallest. Remember if your child has Forest School this term that they need to bring a warm waterproof coat and suitable shoes (wellies or trainers that can get muddy).

2 Class 3E Let Your Light Shine Class Class 6E 4W
: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY STAR OF THE WEEK Each week, one child from each class is named as ‘Star of the Week’ for working really hard on one of our learning characteristics: Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence and Versatility. This week we congratulate the following children: Friday 17th November Dragonfly Class Assembly 2pm Wednesday 22nd November Year 3 lantern Parade Friday 24th November INSET DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED Friday 1ST December Class 6W Assembly Friday 8th December Class 5W Assembly Monday 11th December Year 2 Nativity 2pm Wednesday 13th December Reception and Year 1 Christmas Concert 9.30am Monday 18th December Year 3 – 6 carol Concert 2pm Tuesday 19th December Last day – (half day) Bumblebee Class Soriyah Francis Frog Class Amoy Wright Dragonfly Class Olivia Xu 2E Kia Shaw 2W Kevin Ratti 3E Jasmine Rerri Bekibel 3W Moses Olenga 4E Ainhoa Castano Martinez 4W Kaiden Ashton Kelly 5E Marcus Lindberg 5W Atlanta McCarthy 6E Nickoyah Forrest 6W Zuriel ogudoro : ATTENDANCE CUP WINNER PUNCTUALITY PANDA WINNER : Class Class 6E W 100% attendance for2 weeks in a row for class 6E – Well done! . : GOLDEN TABLE WINNERS Well done to the ‘Golden Table’ winners this week who displayed excellent manners in school: Year 1: Jeremiah and Rekai Year 2: Eli and Jessie Year 3: Ashanna and Kaylen Year 4: Jeramiah and Leah Year 5: Heather and Nathaniel Year 6: D’Metri and Christel Class of the Week For walking around the building quietly and sensibly. Class 3E Pupil of the Week. The pupil in each class with the most positive behaviour points each week. The Pupil of the Week will be awarded an orange tie on a Friday. Frog Class Amoy Bumblebee Class Soruyah Dragonfly Class Samuel 2E Dontae 2W Olly 3E Toby 3W Asher 4E Kiara 4W Jose 5E Nadine 5W Subhan 6E favour 6W Claudia Have a lovely weekend Mrs Beckley

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