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Evaluation form research project

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1 Evaluation form research project
What you wanted to investigate What you planned to do What you did What you found out Conclusions from this What else could you do to research further

2 What you wanted to investigate…
I wanted to investigate how cross gender could be used in Lysistrata. My aim is to explore and develop characterisation in cross gender roles.

3 What you planned to do… I planed 7 workshops and out of them I picked 3 workshops to deliver and gather information from and to complete my research further

4 What I did…

5 Lesson plan 1: Date: 4th March 2015
Learning objective: To re-Intro into the play and ideas into my concept and to gain more trust in each other Starter activity: Trusting exercise/Activity- In pairs, go back to back and try and stand up with our putting your hands on the floor. First one linking arms. Second one arm our in front of you. Main activity Team building activity- magic shoes These magic shoes have some special properties: they can only be worn once in one direction by each team member, they may not be thrown. Watch this video of other people doing the activity ( End activity-Discussion 3 Key questions: From watching the video what do you think of how they did the activity? How important was communications? Were all ideas listening to? Why or why not?

6 What lesson 1 was about… Lesson 1 was about everyone being able to trust one another and get them to work as a team, to listen to any ideas that are given.

7 Feedback given Feedback from questions 3: Rosh: I listened to everyone and gave no ideas just went with the others ideas Ryan: I listened to all ideas and suggested the idea of 1 person goes across with someone on their back then that person comes back and so on Zac: listened to everyone and gave the idea of Daniel: listened and tied out ideas that were given Paris: I listened well but people didn't listen to my idea of 1 person carrying 3 people and then one person goes back with some on there back and so on Mrs Henry: All ideas were listen to and tried out From this I wanted to make sure that everyone knows how important it is to communicate/trust and work as a team as my concept is all about cross gender and if they don't trust each other enough to play the other gender then my concept wouldn't work.   Feedback from questions 1: Rosh:T hey got it faster than us Ryan: Trust in each other made it easier Zac: Team work was creative not normal Daniel: was another way of how we could have done the activity Paris: They got it quicker than us Mrs Henry: Video was a good way of showing other options off carrying people across Feedback from questions 2: Rosh: Very important Ryan: key to successful in the activity Zac: Very vital, first steps to teamwork Daniel: if we didn't communicate we wouldn't be successful Paris: Important without it nothing is done and wouldn't get the activity done Mrs Henry: If we didn't the activity wouldn't have worked Concussion from this workshop is that they need to trust each other more and listen to one another as everyone has there own opinions and suggests for others to think about

8 Lesson plan 2: Date: 16 nd March 2015
Learning objective: To develop characterisation in cross gender though Voice Starter activity: Mouse trap/midfield-players in Pairs one blindfolded, objects/chairs scattered around and the other has to guide them only using their voice to the other side with out stepping or going into the objects and chairs. Main activity: Research into American high school teens of how they act, talk and dress and Characterisation of voice- Master, Master who am I one person is gonna be blindfolded and the rest are gonna shout out master, master who am I/phrase from there characters and the person blindfolded has to guess who it is and what character they are. End activity- Discussion key questions: Has this helped you with getting into the characters given? Why?

9 What lesson 2 is about… Lesson 2 was about focusing on voice, as I wanted them to be comfortable with play a cross gender role, as when I introduced my concept they were not to keen on playing a cross gender role.

10 Feedback I first got them to do still images of characters they were:
Paris: Unfriendly black Rosh: Jock Daniel: Plastic (girls who think they know it all and own everything) Ryan: Cheerleader

11 Feedback I then gave them 2 characters each to play boy and girl to say something in there character I had: Rosh was blindfolded Paris: gamer (boy)- hipster (girl) Daniel: jock (boy)- girls who don't eat (girl) Ryan: marching band (boy)- cheerleader (girl) Mrs Henry: Unfriendly black (boy)- the plastics (girl) Questions Rosh- As I was blindfolded I had to think character that could have been given to me and how they would talk. Paris- It helped me get into character because when playing a cross gender role with costume the most important thing to focus on is voice. Daniel- It helped me focuses on how the character would act even though we were not acting Ryan- It has helped me to be more confident with playing a girl Mrs Henry- This Was a good exercise to get us thinking of the way the characters act and talk so we can get into the character ourselves. In concussion to this I feel this workshop wasn’t such a success as no one was taking it seriously, and couldn’t disguise there voices as well as I thought although it did help them to gain a bit of confidence in playing a different gender.

12 Lesson plan 3 Date: 26th March 2015
Learning objective: To develop characterisation in cross gender though Movement Starter activity: YouTube video-  Warm up-bartender Main Activity: focusing on the chorus argument having the cheerleaders (boys play) and jocks (girls play) with 2 actions and phrases. The argument is about space in the playground and how they have taken each others spaces.(Chosen section of the a script to act out twice. One with dialog naturalistic and one with just movement not naturalistic both in slow motion and just normal speed and then swap roles around) Movement sequence with both like a dance battle Find a space in the room,  I will call out number of instructions for you and you will have to be that character and do a mini improvisation of what they would be doing, considering you characters reactions at different points. Questions: How would you take on board the character of Lysistrata? How would you approach a male character/figure in the play?

13 Characters… Jocks Cheerleaders Marching band boy Plastic

14 Feedback Questions: Daniel: How would you take on board the character of Lysistrata? Easy approach only difficulty is the cross gender Paris: How would you approach a male character/figure in the play? Focus on physicality, on voice and movement. In concussion to this I feel this workshop was better then my other as I got them to produce a scene in their given characters which gave them more confidence in playing cross gender roles.

15 What you found out… What I found out was that cross gender needs a lot of practice and patient, and with people who joke around and laugh at everything its hard to be in character with other students who may be judging you.

16 Conclusions from this…
In conclusions from all 3 workshop, was successful in some areas but unsuccessful in others as I feel that I needed to focuses more on movement and combined the play and my concept better Next time I could maybe joint voice and movement and get tem to create a scene from the play using the characters given.

17 What else could you do to research further…
I can expand on what I have for example get them to into characters, and combined the play and my concept better to give me a better result into what I am investigating

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