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Improving Access to Health for Children, Young People and Young Adults

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Access to Health for Children, Young People and Young Adults"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Access to Health for Children, Young People and Young Adults
Part of the NHS Integrated Care Pioneer Programme


3 Improving access to information
Ensuring young people know their rights Making the environment more ‘young person friendly’ Helping staff to communicate better with young patients Making sure young people feel involved in their care and understand the choices they have Ensuring systems are in place to enable young people to feed back their experiences within health services

4 Organisations Professionals Parents and Carers
Health Services Organisations Professionals Parents and Carers Group Consultations Focus groups Meetings One to one consultations Questionnaires One to one consultations Assessments Pilot Community Consultations Group led ideas and development Creative projects Reviewing of resources Mystery Shopping

5 Possible ‘Know Your Rights’ app development
Co-branding with NHS England - new updated ‘15 Steps Challenge’ for children and young people. Possible consultations regarding Easy Read version to follow. Production of a short film led by Future Pulse volunteers to raise awareness of some of the issues regarding communication within health services An I Pad trial with health services to research the benefits of using app and web based resources to improve communication and engagement Development of a toolkit for under 25’s and health services – emphasis on accessible information, AHC’s, rights for patients who have a learning disability and/or communication difficulty. Possible ‘Know Your Rights’ app development ‘NHS COMMS 2018’ – Report based on findings from Phase 1 and 2 service surveys and service user consultations


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