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Lecture 14 Linear Transformation

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1 Lecture 14 Linear Transformation
Last Time Applications of Linear Transformations Introduction to Linear Transformations The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation Elementary Linear Algebra R. Larsen et al. (6th Edition) TKUEE翁慶昌-NTUEE SCC_01_2009

2 Lecture 14: Linear Transformation
Today The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation (Cont.) Matrices for Linear Transformations Transition Matrix and Similarity Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Diagonalization Reading Assignment: Secs 6.3 – 7.2 Next Time Final Exam 14 - 2

3 The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation (Cont.)
Today The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation (Cont.) Matrices for Linear Transformations Transition Matrix and Similarity Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 14 - 3

4 6.2 The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation
Kernel of a linear transformation T: Let be a linear transformation Then the set of all vectors v in V that satisfy is called the kernel of T and is denoted by ker(T). Ex 1: (Finding the kernel of a linear transformation) Sol: 14 - 4

5 Range of a linear transformation T:
Corollary to Thm 6.3: Range of a linear transformation T: 14 - 5

6 Notes: Corollary to Thm 6.4: 14 - 6

7 Rank of a linear transformation T:V→W:
Nullity of a linear transformation T:V→W: Note: 14 - 7

8 Thm 6.5: (Sum of rank and nullity)
Pf: 14 - 8

9 One-to-one: one-to-one not one-to-one 14 - 9

10 (T is onto W when W is equal to the range of T.)

11 Thm 6.6: (One-to-one linear transformation)

12 Ex 10: (One-to-one and not one-to-one linear transformation)

13 Thm 6.7: (Onto linear transformation)
Thm 6.8: (One-to-one and onto linear transformation) Pf:

14 Ex 11: Sol: T:Rn→Rm dim(domain of T) rank(T) nullity(T) 1-1 onto
(a)T:R3→R3 3 Yes (b)T:R2→R3 2 No (c)T:R3→R2 1 (d)T:R3→R3

15 Thm 6.9: (Isomorphic spaces and dimension)
Isomorphism: Thm 6.9: (Isomorphic spaces and dimension) Pf: Two finite-dimensional vector space V and W are isomorphic if and only if they are of the same dimension.

16 It can be shown that this L.T. is both 1-1 and onto.
Thus V and W are isomorphic.

17 Ex 12: (Isomorphic vector spaces)
The following vector spaces are isomorphic to each other.

18 Keywords in Section 6.2: kernel of a linear transformation T: 線性轉換T的核空間 range of a linear transformation T: 線性轉換T的值域 rank of a linear transformation T: 線性轉換T的秩 nullity of a linear transformation T: 線性轉換T的核次數 one-to-one: 一對一 onto: 映成 isomorphism(one-to-one and onto): 同構 isomorphic space: 同構的空間

19 The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation (Cont.)
Today The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation (Cont.) Matrices for Linear Transformations Transition Matrix and Similarity Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

20 6.3 Matrices for Linear Transformations
Two representations of the linear transformation T:R3→R3 : Three reasons for matrix representation of a linear transformation: It is simpler to write. It is simpler to read. It is more easily adapted for computer use.

21 Thm 6.10: (Standard matrix for a linear transformation)

22 Pf:


24 Ex 1: (Finding the standard matrix of a linear transformation)
Sol: Vector Notation Matrix Notation

25 Check: Note:

26 Composition of T1:Rn→Rm with T2:Rm→Rp :
Thm 6.11: (Composition of linear transformations)

27 Pf: Note:

28 Ex 3: (The standard matrix of a composition)


30 Inverse linear transformation:
Note: If the transformation T is invertible, then the inverse is unique and denoted by T–1 .

31 Thm 6.12: (Existence of an inverse transformation)
T is invertible. T is an isomorphism. A is invertible. Note: If T is invertible with standard matrix A, then the standard matrix for T–1 is A–1 .

32 Ex 4: (Finding the inverse of a linear transformation)
Show that T is invertible, and find its inverse. Sol:


34 the matrix of T relative to the bases B and B':
Thus, the matrix of T relative to the bases B and B' is

35 Transformation matrix for nonstandard bases:


37 Ex 5: (Finding a matrix relative to nonstandard bases)

38 Ex 6: Sol: Check:

39 Notes:

40 Keywords in Section 6.3: standard matrix for T: T 的標準矩陣
composition of linear transformations: 線性轉換的合成 inverse linear transformation: 反線性轉換 matrix of T relative to the bases B and B' : T對應於基底B到B'的矩陣 matrix of T relative to the basis B: T對應於基底B的矩陣

41 6.4 Transition Matrices and Similarity

42 Two ways to get from to :

43 Ex 2: (Finding a matrix for a linear transformation)

44 Ex 3: (Finding a matrix for a linear transformation)

45 Thm 6.13: (Properties of similar matrices)
Similar matrix: For square matrices A and A‘ of order n, A‘ is said to be similar to A if there exist an invertible matrix P s.t. Thm 6.13: (Properties of similar matrices) Let A, B, and C be square matrices of order n. Then the following properties are true. (1) A is similar to A. (2) If A is similar to B, then B is similar to A. (3) If A is similar to B and B is similar to C, then A is similar to C. Pf:

46 Ex 4: (Similar matrices)

47 Ex 5: (A comparison of two matrices for a linear transformation)


49 Notes: Computational advantages of diagonal matrices:

50 7.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Eigenvalue problem: If A is an nn matrix, do there exist nonzero vectors x in Rn such that Ax is a scalar multiple of x? Eigenvalue and eigenvector: A:an nn matrix :a scalar x: a nonzero vector in Rn Geometrical Interpretation Eigenvalue Eigenvector

51 Lecture 14: Linear Transformation
Today Matrices for Linear Transformations Transition Matrix and Similarity Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Reading Assignment: Secs Scope: Sections : 70%, Sections 1.1 – 4.5: 30% Tip: Practice your homework problems and really understand Makeup Lecture Diagonalization Symmetric Matrices and Orthogonal Diagonalization Applications 1/19/2009 2:20 – 5:10 Mgmt 101 Reading Assignment: Secs 14- 51

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