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John Keats Garrett Barrow, Jeremy Muday, Tommy Adams, Shakera Bowman, Libby Mason, Christian Kiser, Hayley Pizzino.

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Presentation on theme: "John Keats Garrett Barrow, Jeremy Muday, Tommy Adams, Shakera Bowman, Libby Mason, Christian Kiser, Hayley Pizzino."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Keats Garrett Barrow, Jeremy Muday, Tommy Adams, Shakera Bowman, Libby Mason, Christian Kiser, Hayley Pizzino

2 John Keats Born into a working class in London
Successfully managed a medical career and got his pharmacist license before turning to poetry. Studied many subjects that differed from those of the other poets in his time (astronomy, chemistry, materialist philosophy, and English grammar) Borrowed money for many things even though he was financially well-off. Through Leigh Hunt, he was able to acquaint himself with several other successful poets of the time.

3 John Keats ( textbook ) In 1818 his brother died of tuberculosis. and met the love of his life Fanny Brawn which greatly fueled his creativity Writing reflected his sensitivity to the deep contradictions of life “ the sadness of every joy contains and the emptiness of every fulfillment Died an early death in 1821 from tuberculosis He wrote his on epitaph “ here lies one whose name was writ in water” Argument over whether Keats’ poems reflected a rebellious personality towards oppressive government or not is still currently debated.

4 Ode on a Grecian Urn The main thing that captures the speaker's attention about this urn is that the figures on it are frozen in time in the middle of what they were doing and they will remain there, unchanged, for eternity. The "bold lover" will never kiss the girl he is pursuing, but then, she will never age either. The boughs will never lose their leaves. The piper will be "For ever piping songs for ever new," and the ceremonial procession will always be on its way to the sacrifice. Of course, these claims are only true in the imaginary sense, since there are no real lovers, trees

5 Ode of a Nightingale This poem expressed the Romantic theme well. Keats expresses his love of nature and loathing of the complexity of everyday life through the description of a nightingale. He notes how simple, and therefore happy, the nightingale’s life is. He also states his envy of the nightingale because of how easy it can “escape” to the wilderness. Keats’s discussion of life, death, and immortality shows he might have suffered from depression.

6 When I Have Fears That I May Cease to be
In this poem the speaker expresses his fears of death and mortality. He also fears that he will not have the chance to express all of his ideas before he dies. The speaker eventually discloses his fear of dying alone without love.

7 On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer
In this poem, the speaker says that he’s seen much of the world and its wonders, but when he was introduced to Homer’s works, it was like he was looking on a whole new world.

8 Best Poem – Ode to a Nightingale
Ode to a Nightingale is Keats’s best poem because it represents the Romantic theme better than any other poem. His discussion of the simplicity and beauty of nature and the complexity and evil of everyday industrialized life is at the heart of the Romantic theme. The way Keats describes his thoughts draws emotion of the reader in a way the other poems failed to do.

9 Theme: timeless world The people on this urn never have to deal with changes in their world.  The poem contrasts the timeless world of the urn with the upside-down hourglass that is human life. In the real world, joyful panting after an erotic chase can easily turn into a fever and a bad case of dry mouth. (using a quote) "thou foster-child of silence and slow time (line 2)

10 Theme: mortality n "when i have fear that i may cease to be" keats talks about the inevitability of death, or mortality. he speaks on the slow acts of death and their everyday occurance.

11 Theme: the fear of dying before you live up to your full potential
John Keats initially expresses his fears of not completing everything he wants to in his life, such as becoming famous off poetry and understanding true love. but in the end he realizes that fame and love means nothing.

12 Theme: Transience this picture sows the theme of "transience" from the poem "ode to a nightingale. the speaker of "ode to a nightingale" imagines himself in a nightingale's world, but its not strong enough to carry out his wish to escape from the would drunken in the fumes of nature, not so much as alcohol.

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