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Lector L. Deighton Chrisostomides Guest Lecturer Una Mihajlovic

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Presentation on theme: "Lector L. Deighton Chrisostomides Guest Lecturer Una Mihajlovic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lector L. Deighton Chrisostomides Guest Lecturer Una Mihajlovic
Lecture IX Lector L. Deighton Chrisostomides Guest Lecturer Una Mihajlovic

2 Personalities What does the word “personality” make you think of? What different types of personalities can you think of? Would you describe yourself as more introverted or extroverted? How are the two types of people different? If you had the ability to change an aspect of your personality, what would it be? What personality traits are important in a friend? How about a romantic interest? A boss? What constitutes a pleasant personality? Which of the four personality types from the text would you say most fits you? Why?

3 Personalities CONT. What types of personality traits irritate you? How do you deal with people who display these traits? Are people born with their personalities or do they develop over time? How many of you believe that horoscopes affect personality? If yes, to what extent? If no, why not? How does birth order affect personality? For example, the oldest and youngest siblings. How about being an only child? What differences are there between males and females in terms of personality?

4 Theory of multiple intelligences
M0vA If you could pick one type of intelligence for your child to have, which would it be? Which of the types of intelligence do you think would be best for a high-paying job? How about for a teacher? What do you think about Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligences? Is it better than a simple IQ test?


6 Stereotypes What comes to mind when you hear the word “stereotype”?
Do you think that there is any truth in stereotypes about different people? Do you think stereotypes are harmful? Can stereotyping people ever be a positive thing? Do you think that positive stereotypes are ok and negative stereotypes aren’t? Is there any difference? What is the difference between stereotyping and prejudice? Where is the line?

7 The United Kingdom What are some of the stereotypes you have heard about England or English people? How about Scotland? How many of you got Tea, football, The Queen/accent, beer, bad weather, bad food, unfriendly or reserved people? How accurate do you think the stereotypes are? Do you think everyone in England watches football? Do you know where the myth that “all English people drink tea at five” comes from? Do you have any questions about English culture or life in England that you would like to ask?

8 The Queen’s English Also known as received pronunciation or RP
Spoken by between 3-5% of UK residents Negligible number of speakers outside of England What do you think RP might indicate about a person? Do you think there is any stigma surrounding the accent?

9 Some Humour Q: What’s the shortest book in history?
French answer: “British cuisine” English answer: “French military victories” Q: How many Germans does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: One. We are efficient and don’t have humour. “I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need, hey hey” Greece’s new national anthem is surprisingly catchy…

10 Stereotyping our friends, allies and mortal enemies

11 Stereotypes about Serbia and Slavs
What types of stereotypes do you think exist about Serbia? How much do you think the average Englishman knows about the country? What about Slavic countries in general? Do you think most of the stereotypes are positive or negative?

12 Gender Stereotypes Which gender is better and why is it men?
What are some positive stereotypes about men? What do you think the effects of these stereotypes are? How about negative ones? What are some of the positive stereotypes about women? How about some of the negative ones? What is your overall opinion of gender stereotypes? Do you find them funny, harmful or something else?

13 What other stereotypes can you think of?

14 Stereotypes overview What are stereotypes and how do you think that they affect people’s lives? Do you have any friends from a different country or culture? Do you ever use stereotypes playfully? Have you ever gone too far joking with a friend? Why do you think that people make stereotypes about others? Do you think Stereotypes can alienate people? Do you think that stereotypes are something we should work to get rid of? Do you think that they can be an acceptable part of society?

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