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Classical Greek & Roman Architecture

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1 Classical Greek & Roman Architecture

2 Architecture Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing and construction of buildings. Vitruvius – “a good building should satisfy three basic principles…” Durability Utility Beauty Architect – A man or woman who designs buildings or houses. (Not always thought of as an artist, but could be.) What must an architect consider before designing a house or building?

3 Greece and Italy

4 Greeks were known for their use of columns
Greeks were known for their use of columns. The are used for support and decoration. However, it doesn’t matter how pretty it looks if it isn’t strong enough. Columns are very strong in compression. (opposite of expansion) Classic Greek Architecture - use of columns as a structural element to support the weight of the structure above

5 Doric columns are the simplest
Doric columns are the simplest. They have a capital (the top, or crown) made of a circle topped by a square. The shaft (the tall part of the column) is plain and has 20 sides. There is no base in the Doric order. The Doric order is very plain, but powerful-looking in its design. Doric, like most Greek styles, works well horizontally on buildings, that's why it was so good with the long rectangular buildings made by the Greeks. The area above the column, called the frieze [pronounced "freeze"], had simple patterns. Above the columns are the metopes and triglyphs. The metope [pronounced "met-o-pee"] is a plain, smooth stone section between triglyphs. Sometimes the metopes had statues of heroes or gods on them. The triglyphs are a pattern of 3 vertical lines between the metopes. Doric Style

6 Doric Style - Parthenon
The Parthenon (Ancient Greek: Παρθενών) is a temple of the Greek goddess Athena whom the people of Athens considered their protector. Its construction began in 447BC and completed in 432BC on the Athenian Acropolis, although decorations of the Parthenon continued until 431BC. It is the most important surviving building of Classical Greece, generally considered to be the culmination of the development of the Doric order. Its decorative sculptures are considered one of the high points of Greek art. The Parthenon is regarded as an enduring symbol of ancient Greece and of Athenian democracy, and one of the world's greatest cultural monuments There are many examples of ancient Doric buildings. Perhaps the most famous one is the Parthenon in Athens, which is probably the most famous and most studied building on Earth. Buildings built even now borrow some parts of the Doric order. This Greek temple is the focal point of the Acropolis. Doric Style - Parthenon

7 Doric Style – Parthenon (432BC)
Over the years it had many uses and changes were made. Originally, it was a Greek temple. It was later converted to a Catholic church. Then there was a war with the Turks where it was bombed and later turned into a mosque. Over the years parts have been destroyed and rebuilt many times over. Doric Style – Parthenon (432BC)

8 Ionic shafts were taller than Doric ones
Ionic shafts were taller than Doric ones. This makes the columns look slender. They also had flutes, which are lines carved into them from top to bottom. The shafts also had a special characteristic: entasis, which is a little bulge in the columns make the columns look straight, even at a distance [because since you would see the building from eye level, the shafts would appear to get narrower as they rise, so this bulge makes up for that - so it looks straight to your eye but it really isn't !] . The frieze is plain. The bases were large and looked like a set of stacked rings. Ionic capitals consist of a scrolls above the shaft. The Ionic style is a little more decorative than the Doric. Ionic Style

9 Ionic Style Temple of Athena Nike Temple of Apollo at Didyma
Temple of Athena Nike (ionians columns). Temple of apollo at didyma (ionians columns). In Greek mythology, Nike (Greek: Νίκη, pronounced [níːkɛː], meaning ), is the Goddess of strength, speed, and victory. She is known as the Winged Goddess of Victory. Temple of Athena Nike Temple of Apollo at Didyma

10 The Corinthian order is the most decorative and is usually the one most modern people like best. Corinthian also uses entasis to make the shafts look straight. The Corinthian capitals have flowers and leaves below a small scroll. The shaft has flutes and the base is like the Ionian. Unlike the Doric and Ionian cornices, which are at a slant, the Corinthian roofs are flat. Corinthian Style

11 Corinthian Style Temple of Zeus Temple of Apollo
Temple of Apollo (corinthian columns). Temple of Zeus (corinthian columns). Temple of Zeus Temple of Apollo

12 Classic Roman Architecture - use of arches and domes as structural elements - perfected the use of concrete

13 Colosseum – Rome, Italy (80AD)

14 Colosseum facade

15 Colosseum - interior

16 Neo – Classical Architecture : Modern day Architecture influenced by the styles of Ancient Greek and Roman Architecture

17 U.S. Capitol building U.S. Capitol Building – Washington, D.C.

18 Soldier Field - Chicago

19 Museum of Science and Industry - Chicago

20 Field Museum - Chicago

21 Shedd Aquarium - Chicago

22 Chicago Union Station After we climbed down from the deck, we made a beeline for the Union Station, Originally built in 1925, it’s much more than a railway station; its Great Hall is now a prestigious venue for special events, weddings and receptions. The Great Hall is a classic beauty, taking our breath away by its sheer size and grandeur. The Corinthian columns rise majestically to the ceiling that’s in the shape of a barrel-vault and designed like an atrium.

23 1st Presbytarian Church - Arlington Heights, IL

24 St. James Church – Arlington Heights, IL

25 Architecture Project :
Client : Mr. Booktower Project : Design a foundation strong enough to hold Mr. Booktower’s book collection. Scale : The foundation must be tall enough for Mr. Booktower to stand inside. Materials : Twelve 3” x 5” Index cards and tape

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