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It takes two: the dean and chief development officer partnership

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Presentation on theme: "It takes two: the dean and chief development officer partnership"— Presentation transcript:

1 It takes two: the dean and chief development officer partnership
Critical Issues Track Sponsored by: It takes two: the dean and chief development officer partnership

2 Title for slide here It takes two:
The Dean and Chief Development Officer partnership Jean K. Quam, Dean and Professor College of Education and Human Development Lynn Slifer, VP for Central Development Programs University of Minnesota Foundation (former Chief Development Officer, College of Education and Human Development) December 2017

3 Who we are Lynn Jean

4 What we will talk about Our partnership
Integrating a philanthropic culture Planning and implementing a successful campaign Strategies for working with academic leaders Questions

5 Our Partnership Started in crisis
Complex college and merger with other units Trust issues on both sides CDO needed to learn Dean’s style Dean needed to learn CDO style and development Establishing development staff relationships

6 What worked Mutual trust and respect Shared vision
Dean understood that philanthropy is not a “quick fix”: educated college senior leadership and faculty Dean invested in development staffing and budget Dean dedicated 25% or more of her time Dean and CDO are donors to college

7 What worked (cont.) Weekly meetings and good access
Dean’s time used strategically Good preparation for dean for meetings and events Transparent communication regarding progress and challenges Top prospect list

8 Top prospect list for weekly meetings
Reviewed this list of top 30 or so prospects every two weeks or monthly. It kept top prospects in front of both of us and reminded us of next steps Prospects Last Name Manager Next steps by when $ Level XXX Corp Smith not sure where things are XXX Fdn Slifer waiting until next year $5-10M O B Trust reviewed with Adam Fischer $1M+ B, Bob and Susan just dropped a note to them with their student thank yous and followed up on request $500K+ B, JoAnne has moved into assisted living--am going to see her Saturday $2M Bush Fdn Review grant options B, Bob and Gail Dean connect with them when they are back July Campbells LS sent about project deadlines; JQ call next week $8M C. Jane Taylor should we think about proposal?--connect with social work centennial?  $250K C, Mike Jean (and Lynn) go see hiim about MRP program Sept-Oct Ci, Margaret C. Oswald Margaret and Paul co-hosting Mary 15 lunch; mC will make follow up calls $250K E, Louellen Jean to reschedule lunch $1M XX Fdn try for visit when in NYC? H, Lowell and Cay Have invited to the May 15th lunch; Jean will need to follow up on chair ideas $2M+ 

9 Integrating a philanthropic culture
Dean needed to bring college together Established three “pillars” (values) Held twice yearly assemblies –introduced philanthropy Burton Brief – weekly college from dean’s office Improving Lives blog Faculty/staff campaign – goal was participation

10 Faculty/Staff Campaign Video

11 Launching a collegiate unit campaign

12 How prepared were we?

13 Unit-based campaign No U-wide campaign
Needed buy-in from faculty, staff and donors Needed to identify the most compelling priorities inclusively Feasibility and funding Campaign planning committee (one year) Campaign committee – formed three years in Why we waited on the committee We have added people after the initial formation—athletics, etc.

14 Improving Lives campaign
Dean was a full partner Set an ambitious goal Included a building project Provided resources to be successful (staff and funding) Hired staff at different developmental stages Building project—legislative funding vs. fundraising

15 College Blog:
This blog came out of year-long volunteer planning committee Now holds a blog per week for five years about faculty research, programs and outreach Great tool for directing donors and prospects Use as a source of quick content information

16 Exceeded our original goal of $62 million
New goal for phase II--$100 million total Part of the Driven Campaign of $4 billion CEHD donors chairing University campaign committee and other donors on committee

17 CEHD Fundraising

18 Fundraising progress Donor growth:
Faculty/staff campaign: 76% participation Gifts of $1 million+: —4 gifts totaling $5.6 million —23 gifts totaling $38 million

19 Strategies for working with academic leaders
Regular (weekly) meetings and good communication CASE workshops for deans and development directors Understand differences between philanthropy and research grants Ensure that the prospective donor visit is worth the dean’s time Generational differences with donors and development officers

20 Strategies for working with academic leaders (cont)
Help leader understand the nature of philanthropy— Takes time—takes time—takes time Strategy to the process Will pay off in both immediate and permanent funding Some priorities are not appealing to donors Average major gift usually takes months

21 Questions?

22 Session evaluations will be emailed.
Don’t forget to attend CASE After Hours this evening to further network with attendees.

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