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University of Cyprus UCY

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1 University of Cyprus UCY
Maria Poveda HPCL (High Performance Computing Laboratory) NA2 Meeting - Karlsruhe, Germany – 01/06/2006

2 SE – UCY (I) University of Cyprus NA2 Contact: Maria Poveda, HPCL
Department of Computer Science Since 1992, one of the four departments of the School of Pure and Applied Sciences Runs a large number of research programs EGEE partner: High Performance Computing systems Lab (HPCL) Established External funding for > 1.5 Million Euros (FP5, FP6, RPF) webC-MINE EGEEII-NA2 Meeting - Karlsruhe 01-02/06/06

3 High Performance Computing systems Lab (UCY)
HPCL was established in an effort to promote and coordinate research activities in the areas of: Parallel and Distributed Systems Grid technologies – CyGRID initiative in Cyprus Middleware and Performance Engineering Web Technologies Internet Computing Promote applications of Internet and High-Performance Computing and Networking in Cyprus through support and know-how to local users of HPC technologies. Develop, support, and exploit a high-quality research infrastructure. 11 members : 1 Faculty member ( Head of Laboratory) 2 Visiting lecturer 1 Postdoctoral Associate 2 PhD candidates, 3 Research Associates, 2 M.Sc. Students Teach University courses Supervise undergraduate and post graduate theses EGEEII-NA2 Meeting - Karlsruhe 01-02/06/06

4 ACTIVITIES Our NA2 activities will be centred on: NA3/NA4
User workshops & events NA5 Concertation Production of promotional material Translation of material Local Web portal EGEE conferences Participation in computing and targeted scientific events Targeted dissemination for Industry UIG Media relations: Press Releases Follow-up Internal communication Administration Reporting TNA2.4 TNA2.1 TNA2.6 NA2 Management TNA2.3 EGEEII-NA2 Meeting - Karlsruhe 01-02/06/06

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