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WGISS-22 Update of Grid TT

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1 WGISS-22 Update of Grid TT
Guoqing Li Presented for WGISS-22 12, Sept, 2006 Annapolis, USA

2 Contents TT Activities Technical Trends Focused
Contribution to GEO Tasks Session Outlook

3 Task Team Activities Independent Research and Activity within agency
Interested research works are still running NRSCC, CNES, ESA, NASU etc. Funded projects are less reported successfully won during the past half year China Is just preparing to apply the funds from the next Five Years S&T Plan Ukraine Got a next task: water resources ecological management, with the platform of GEMLCA (Grid like platform) Other Agencies Status unknown

4 INTAS-CNES-NSAU project RAN (Russia) SAS (Slovak)
NRSCC/RSGS ESA Dragon Project ESA Category-1 NASU CNES Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) INTAS-CNES-NSAU project RAN (Russia) SAS (Slovak)

5 Dragon Project: Target: to merge ESA Grid and SIG; to support the data delivery platform for other Dragon projects Status: Possible beginning from the stage II (2008) By Luigi and Guoqing ESA Category-1 Project Target: Wide Area Grid Testbed for Flood Monitoring using Spaceborne SAR and Optical Data Status: under preparation By Nataliya INTAS-CNES-NSAU Project Target: Data Fusion Grid Infrastructure Status: Good result of first stage evaluation By Nataliya and Paul

6 Technical Trends Focused
Collaboration among Girds is important and urgently Less Problem on building Independent Grid System As the support technology for using Grid in some International Cooperation Projects Response to GEO (Topic 11, Architecture ) New technology trend appeared Conceptions much discussed in such field. WAG (Wide Area Grid) Inter-Grid Volunteers : J.P.+Paul+Nataliya+Guoqing+Zhenchun+..

7 Contribution to GEO Some principles to understand the role of Grid in GEO task Service-based technologies are the main basement of spatial information system. Gird is one of technologies to develop services and manage services. Grid can bring merging technologies for different service-based information components and systems. Inter-Grid will be the suit tools to joint many independent grid-based spatial systems for one multidisciplinary application.

8 What does GEO need? The success of GEOSS will depend on data and information providers accepting and implementing a set of interoperability arrangements, including technical specifications for collecting, processing, storing, and disseminating shared data, metadata and products. GEOSS interoperability will be based on non-proprietary standards, with preference given to formal international standards. Interoperability will be focused on interfaces, defining only how system components interface with each other and thereby minimizing any impact on affected systems other than where such systems have interfaces to the shared architecture. ---GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan, Section 5.3

9 The new, grouped task would address the following objectives:
Develop and promote practical implementations of the GEOSS architecture in relation to the Social Benefit Areas, thus enhancing GEOSS' visibility of and demonstrating its benefits. Emphasize the “Global interoperability” concept and consider in detail how various existing interoperability projects (e.g., GMES, INSPIRE) could be part of GEOSS. Define and develop the interoperability test-beds for specific Social Benefit Areas and demonstrate and evaluate the results with end-users. Continue to develop the Clearinghouse and Web Portal, and focus on practical applications for specific Social Benefit Areas. Consider how recent information technologies such like as Grid computing, SensorML, Ontology, Semantic Web, Web2.0 should be taken into account.

10 New Task listed: AR-07-P1: Virtual Constellation AR-07-P2: Linking Infrastructures AR-07-P3: Interactive Data Access and Analysis System

11 As a result Grid TT should response the task of research the new information architecture.?? Grid TT should work with other GEO task. Grid can afford the necessary and professional support elements for the platform. Grid can be used to build multi-source data service system. Grid can be used to merge distributed processing resource to support the on-demand data production.

12 Contribution to GEO tasks Architecture Applications

13 Session Outlook TT Update by Guoqing (5’) Ukraine ahency report om gird by Nataliya (5”) CNES agency report on grid by Paul (10’) Introduction to WAG concepts by J.P. (15’) Implementation of Product Virtualization in a Geospatial Grid by Liping (20’) Introduction to WAG and its definition by J.P. continually (20’) Grid Infrastructure for Research and Education and its Challenges -by Carol (30’) CNES: WAG Technical Requirements by Paul (15’) Understanding to WAG and Inter-Grid by Zhenchun(15’) A Concept of International Virtual Earth Observatory by Liping (20’)

14 Enjoy your Lunch

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