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Psuedo Code.

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Presentation on theme: "Psuedo Code."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psuedo Code

2 Pseudo Code Pseudo = Fake Code = Fancy computer stuff
A way to organize your program before coding it


4 General Guidelines Input Output Steps in between Not Language Specific
Only you need to understand it Should not compile

5 Steps to Pseudo Coding Step 1: Outline Step 2: Actual Pseudo Code
Very General, Inputs to outputs Little computer code used Short and to the point Step 2: Actual Pseudo Code More line by line Focus on variable storage and functions

6 ToolBox Variables (int, float, char, string) Arrays, dict/hash tables
If If-Else While loop For loop Functions The Google

7 Problem 1 Gregg keeps getting on your computer and running your code
Write a program that asks for the users name If its Gregg tell him to get back to work Input: User’s name Output: Chiding Statement

8 Problem 1: Outline Solution
Load in a user name from the keyboard Check if that name is Gregg If it is Gregg, say something

9 Problem 1: Pseudo Code User Name = userInput(stuff) If User Name is Gregg Print Chiding Statement to Snoop Gregg Else Print You do You!

10 Class Problem 1 Write a program that takes in a number from a user and tells them if it is Divisible by 11 Input = User Number Output = Printed statement on divisibility Hint: Mod (%) gives the remainder 5 Mod 2 = 1

11 Class Problem 1: Outline Solution
Load in a number from the user See if that number is divisible by 11 If it is tell them If it is not, tell them

12 Class Problem 1: Pseudo Code Solution
Number = userInput(stuff) If Number Mod 11 is 0 Print Affirmative Statement Else Print Negative Statement

13 Problem 2 Write a program that takes in a number from a user and tells them if it is Divisible by 11 But keep asking until the user enters the number 0

14 Problem 2: Pseudo Code Why will this not work?
While(Number is not 0) Number = userInput(stuff) If Number Mod 11 is 0 Print Affirmative Statement Else Print Negative Statement Why will this not work?

15 Class Problem 2: Pseudo Code
Number = not 0 While(Number is not 0) Number = userInput(stuff) If Number Mod 11 is 0 Print Affirmative Statement Else Print Negative Statement

16 Problem 3 You are given a DNA Sequence and have to report how many times the Motif CAT appears Input = DNA Sequence (GATTACA), CAT Output = CAT Count Hint1: A string is really just as an array/list of characters [‘G’,’A’,’T’,’T’,’A’,’C’,’A’] Hint2: you can take a slice out of an array Array[2 to 4]

17 Problem 3: Outline Load DNA Sequence and CAT into variables
make a motif counter Iterate through DNA sequence Pull out sets of three letters and compare to CAT If we find CAT increment the counter Report the final count

18 Visual Representation

19 Problem 3: Pseudo Code Motif = CAT DNASeq = loadFile(InputDNA) CAT_Count = 0 For i in DNASeq Range – 2 if(DNASeq i to DNASeq i+2 is CAT) CAT_Count + 1 Print CAT_Count

20 Class Problem 3 You are given a DNA sequence and have to determine its GC content (percentage) Input = DNA sequence (GATTACA) Output = GC content Hint: Loops are your friend

21 Class Problem 3: Outline
Load in sequence Set up a GC counter Loop through sequence Compare every letter to G or C Determine total nucleotide count Do appropriate math to get percentage

22 Class Problem 3: Pseudo Code
DNASeq = loadFile(InputDNA) GC_Count = 0 For Letter in DNASeq if Letter is G or C GC_Count + 1 DNALength = length(DNASeq) GC = GC_Count/DNALength X 100% Print GC

23 Real Code

24 Better Real Code

25 Parting Lessons Inputs Outputs Toolbox Take Your Time
Only you have to understand your pseudo code

26 Class Problem 4 You need a program that will take in a DNA sequence from a user and return the the reverse complement RNA sequence Input: DNA sequence Output: RNA Sequence Hint 1: You can reverse a list, or you can loop through a list backwards Hint2: Figuring out the complement can be done with a series of if statements

27 Class Problem 4: Outline
Load in DNA sequence Loop through the sequence from back to front Check identity of each letter, add its complement to new string Remember RNA has U, not T

28 Class Problem 4: Pseudo Code
DNASeq = userInput(stuff) RNASeq = empty list Seq Length = length(DNASeq) For I in range 0 to seq Length Index = length(DNASeq) – I If DNASeq[index] is G RNASeq + C Else if DNASeq[index] is A RNASeq + U … and so on

29 Real Code!

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