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CH 16: Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe ( )

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1 CH 16: Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe (1589-1715)
AP Euro 17th Century Crisis and Rebuilding and Absolutism in France and Spain

2 Questions to Consider How absolute were the absolute monarchs?
To what extent did absolute and constitutional monarchs use different methods to achieve similar ends? What are the conditions that promoted the rise of absolutism in France and constitutionalism in England?

3 Economic and Demographic Crisis
Vast majority of 17th century Europeans lived in rural settings Bread was the primary element of diet Rural societies lived on edge of subsistence Poor weather conditions further stressed agriculture and industry Peasants and urban poor suffered most from bad harvests and economic depression

4 17th Century State Building Common Obstacles and Achievements
Both constitutional and absolutist monarchs attempted to: Protect and expand frontiers Raise new taxes Consolidate state control State building faced considerable obstacles Privileged groups (nobility) resisted centralization of European monarchies Most states succeeded, achieving new levels of central control Larger, more powerful states required new sources of revenue

5 Warfare and the Growth of Army Size
Driving force behind 17th century expansion was warfare Armies grew larger, more professional, and more expensive War becomes a source of revenue

6 Popular Political Action
Popular revolts (populus) were common in England, France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy during 17th century In France, so common it became accepted as a fact of life Authorities were often unable to overcome popular revolts, did not have the means By the end of the 17th century, states were better able to handle revolts and popular discontent

7 Absolutism in France and Spain
Chapter 16: Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe ( )

8 Foundations of French Absolutism: Henry IV, Sully, and Richelieu
Henry IV lowered taxes on peasants His chief minister, Sully, streamlined tax collection As economy grew, tax revenue increased In 1598, Henry IV issues Edict of Nantes Henry is assassinated in 1610 Marie de Medici (queen) rules until Louis XIII comes of age Appointed Cardinal Richelieu in 1624

9 Foundations of French Absolutism: Henry IV, Sully, and Richelieu
Cardinal Richelieu appointed to council of ministers in 1628 (Louis XIII r ) Richelieu curbed power of the nobility Reshuffled royal council Leveled castles Executed conspirators against the king Divided France into 30 generalites, each overseen by one intendant

10 Foundations of French Absolutism: Henry IV, Sully, and Richelieu
Intendants were beholden to the king Appointed from newer nobility of the robe (not older nobility of the sword) Recruited soldiers Supervised tax collection Kept an eye on local nobility Administered local law Regulated economic activity

11 Foundations of French Absolutism: Henry IV, Sully, and Richelieu
In 1627, Louis XIII ended Protestant independence Revoking the Edict of Nantes During later 17th century urban revolts increase over high taxation After deaths of Louis XIII and Richelieu, Mazarin provokes aristocratic rebellion known as Fronde ( ) The Fronde convince Louis XIV only alternative to anarchy is absolute monarchy

12 Louis XIV and Absolutism
Secures the collaboration of nobility in projects that increased his prestige and theirs Royal court at Versailles becomes a tool for state policy Overawes subjects and dignitaries Becomes copied by other monarchs French language and culture become prestigious and fashionable all over Europe

13 Louis XIV and Absolutism
Louis XIV used court ceremonies, entertainment, spies, and informers to reduce the power of nobility In 1685 formally revokes Edict of Nantes Views it as an affront to his power French monarch never intended religious toleration to be permanent Religious liberty not a popular policy Had a negative impact on economy and foreign affairs Staffs administration with members of nobility of the robe and upper middle class Shows Louis XIV will not share power

14 Financial and Economic Management Under Louis XIV: Colbert
Financial problems weakened Louis XIV’s administration Tax revenues fell short of needs (deficit) Tax exemptions for nobility/elites placed burden on peasants Chief financial minister, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, used subsidies for domestic industries, tariffs, and policies to attract foreign artisans Makes France self-sufficient and boosts French exports (mercantilism) Expands French navy, merchant marine, promotes colonization in North America

15 Louis XIV’s Wars France was at war 33 of 54 years of his reign
Developed large and efficient military which answered to him directly Grabbed new territory in the Low Countries and Lorraine before running out of steam in 1680s High taxes and bad weather lead to mass starvation in areas of France ( )

16 Louis XIV’s Wars King Charles II of Spain dies in 1700
Spanish throne passes to Louis XIV’s grandson England, Holland, Austria, and Prussia unite against France to preserve European balance of power Need to check French expansion in the Americas, Asia, and Africa Knows as the War of the Spanish Succession Ends in 1713 with Peace of Utrecht Checks France, finishes Spain as a great power, expands English overseas empire

17 Decline of Absolutist Spain
Absolutism in Spain precedes France’s During the 1500’s Castile develops characteristics of absolute monarchy Gold and silver from Americas basis for Spanish power By 1715, Spain was a 2nd rate power Agricultural crisis Population decline Lack of a middle class, brought about by expulsion of Jews and Muslims Lack of investment in productive enterprises

18 Colonial Administration
How was Spain able to rule a vast empire in the Americas? New World territories divided into 4 viceroyalties Charles III (r ) introduced system of intendants Spanish policies based on mercantilism Portuguese governed Brazil in a similar fashion

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