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Beef Breed Identification

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Presentation on theme: "Beef Breed Identification"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beef Breed Identification
Cows, Calves, Bulls

2 Review What is the gestation period for: Bovine Porsine Equine
Gallus gallus

3 Review Temperature for liquid Nitrogen Why do we utilize AI.
Which type of farm animals utilize artificial insemination more than others? What is a farrowing crate? What is farrowing? How is estrus detected in dairy cattle?


5 What is a breed? The classic definition of a "breed" is usually stated as a variation of this statement. Animals that, through selection and breeding, have come to resemble one another and pass those traits uniformly to their offspring.

6 Angus-bull Scotland

7 Angus-cow and calf

8 Angus-cow

9 Angus-bull

10 Brahman Bull

11 Brahman-cow India

12 Brangus-3/8 Brahman and 5/8 Angus

13 Brangus USA

14 Brangus

15 Limousin-Bull France

16 Brahmousin 5/8 Limousin and 3/8 Brahman

17 Brahmousin-cow

18 Hereford-bull

19 Hereford England

20 Polled Hereford

21 Polled Herford

22 Gilbvieh-bull

23 Gelbvieh- Germany

24 Chianina-Bull Italy

25 Chianina

26 Chianina

27 Shorthorn Northern England

28 Shorthorn

29 Shorthorn

30 Red Angus

31 Beefmaster-cow Texas

32 Beefmaster-bull USA

33 Hereford England

34 Maine-Anjou Northern France

35 Maine-Anjou

36 Simmental Switzerland

37 Santa Gertrudis-bull USA

38 Santa Gertrudis TEXAS

39 Beefmaster- cow and calf
A cross of Brahman Hereford Shorthorn

40 Beefmaster TEXAS

41 Beefmaster-cow

42 Charolais France

43 Shorthorn England

44 Shorthorn-cow

45 Limousin France

46 Limosin-steer

47 Gelbvieh-bull Germany

48 Gelbvieh-cow and calf

49 Gelbvieh

50 Red Angus-cow

51 Charolias-bull

52 Angus-cow

53 Salers-bull France

54 Salers-cow and bull calf

55 Simmental Italy

56 Texas Long Horn-Bull

57 Texas Longhorn-cow

58 Brahman-cow

59 Brahman Bull

60 Belted Galloway Scotland

61 Pinzgauer Austria

62 Pinzgauer Austria

63 Maine-Anjou France

64 The End

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