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Classical Conditioning

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Presentation on theme: "Classical Conditioning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classical Conditioning
Learning Classical Conditioning

2 Agenda Test One Review Classical Conditioning
Reading Assessment Due Saturday

3 Studying vs. Life

4 Learning Relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience
Make associations (We will focus on) Three Types Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Social/Observant Conditioning

5 The Office Dwight and Jim illustrate Classical Conditioning:

6 Classical Conditioning
Learning a response through pairing stimuli Unconditioned Stimulus Unconditioned Response Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response

7 Examples Pavlov Emotional Reactions to Senses Little Albert
Bathrooms, Alarm clock, perfume, gum Little Albert Generalization Food Aversion Phobias

8 Timing When should the CS be presented? How long before?
Longer delays possible for humans. “Mental time travel”

9 Extinction When a conditioned response disappears. How?
True extinction? Spontaneous Recovery Fear of flying

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