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Le travail de cloche, le 26/27 octobre

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Presentation on theme: "Le travail de cloche, le 26/27 octobre"— Presentation transcript:

1 Le travail de cloche, le 26/27 octobre
No bellwork today. Instead, take a few minutes to make sure that your binder is organized and ready for the notebook check. It should contain five dividers: Bellwork: This section should be empty as we turned bellwork in last class. Classwork: Any in-class work for Chapter 2 that we have done. This includes your video packet, class dialogue, listening practice, book work, etc. This section can be recycled after each notebook check. Notes/Handouts: Song lyrics, Ch. 1 and 2 Que sais-je, and any notes that are not in your spiral, plus papers that you should keep such as hall passes/class expectations. This section should never be recycled! Graded Papers: All returned papers that you have not checked in PowerSchools. You may recycle this section only after checking PowerSchools! Graded Quizzes and Tests: All quizzes and tests. So far that would be Ch. 1 Quiz and Test, and Chapter 2 Quiz. This section should never be recycled!

2 Name five countries that border France.
Le travail de cloche, le 30/31 octobre (#1) Start a new sheet for bellwork set 3! Find your seat! Name five countries that border France. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

3 Le travail de cloche, le 1/2 novembre (#2)
Complete the sentences with the conjugation of the verb avoir. Tu ________________ quel âge? Marc et Jean-Luc __________________ histoire l’après-midi. Cécile ______________ quel cours à 8h? Vous __________________ un stylo? Nous _______________________ sport ensemble. Sophie et toi _______________________ quatorze ans. On _____________________ anglais aujourd’hui.

4 Le travail de cloche, le 3/6 novembre (#3)
Match: Yesterday Report card Tomorrow Break English Now Study Hall German Today Lunch Demain Aujourd’hui Maintenant Le déjeuner La récréation L’étude L’allemand Le bulletin trimestriel

5 Le travail de cloche, le 7/8 novembre (#4)
Qu’est-ce que c’est?

6 Le travail de cloche, le 9/10 novembre (#5)
Quelle heure est-il? Il est… 12:30 18:13 1:08 22:55 3:14

7 Le travail de cloche, le 13/14 novembre (#6)
Match: I have a pen. Do you need a pen? I need a pen. What do you need? Do you have a pen? Does she need a pen? I don’t have a pen. Do I need a pen? Il me faut un stylo. Qu’est-ce qu’il te faut? Il te faut un stylo? Tu as un stylo? J’ai un stylo. Je n’ai pas de stylo.

8 Le travail de cloche, le 15/16 novembre (#7)
Qu’est-ce que c’est? What is it? Don’t forget the article!

9 Le travail de cloche, le 17/27 novembre (#8)
Fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjective (ce, cet, cette, ces). _________________ trousse _________________ baskets _________________ portefeuille _________________ compas _________________ ordinateur _______________ taille-crayons _______________ crayon _______________ colliers _______________ tenue de gym

10 Le travail de cloche, le 28/29 novembre (#9)
Fill in the blank with the correct spelling of the color. des crayons ___________________ ce cahier _________________ cet ordinateur __________________ cette règle ____________________ un sac à dos ___________________

11 Le travail de cloche, le 30 novembre/ le 1 décembre
No bellwork today. Instead, take a few minutes to make sure that your binder is organized and ready for the notebook check. It should contain five dividers: Bellwork: This section should have your current bellwork set. We have done 9 at this point. Classwork: Any in-class work for Chapter 3 that we have done. This includes your video packet, class dialogue, listening practice, book work, etc. This section can be recycled after each notebook check. Notes/Handouts: Song lyrics, Ch. 1-3 Que sais-je, and any notes that are not in your spiral. This is a good place to keep papers that you should keep such as hall passes/class expectations. This section should never be recycled! Graded Papers: All returned papers that you have not checked in PowerSchools. You may recycle this section only after checking PowerSchools! Graded Quizzes and Tests: All quizzes and tests. So far that would be Ch. 1-3 Quizzes and Ch. 1-2 Tests. This section should never be recycled!

12 Le travail de cloche, le 4/5 décembre (#10)
This is #10! Write out the digits for the following numbers: deux cents cinq cent dix deux milles huit cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf soixante et onze trois cent quatre-vingt-un

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