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8/21 Warm-Up Question Think about what you typically eat on a day-to-day basis. What are some common foods you eat? Why is it that you eat those specific.

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Presentation on theme: "8/21 Warm-Up Question Think about what you typically eat on a day-to-day basis. What are some common foods you eat? Why is it that you eat those specific."— Presentation transcript:

1 8/21 Warm-Up Question Think about what you typically eat on a day-to-day basis. What are some common foods you eat? Why is it that you eat those specific foods? Explain. Do you feel that you just “Eat to live”? Explain.

2 Culinary Nutrition OR Intro to Foods

3 Intro to You……….. On your note card, put the following info.rmation:
1.Your name, the class name and block. 2.What is your favorite food and why? 3.What is 3.What is your least favorite food and why? 4.Do you have any eating restrictions (not likes/dislikes)? 5.If you could sit down and have a meal with anyone (living or dead, famous or not), who would it be and why? 6. List 3 concepts or things you would like to learn this semester.

4 Culinary Nutrition Culinary- Nutrition-
1. used in or relating to cooking or the kitchen. Nutrition- 1. the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. 2. the branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition, particularly in humans.

5 Purpose: To better appreciate why we eat what we do and what impacts our choices so that we can plan and cook a variety of foods that appeal to the senses. What are some senses related to food? What is Sensory Overload? An example?

6 Why we eat what we do…… Meal time and meals are very sensory. What does that mean? What is it about a food that makes you want to eat it or not? What if it’s a food you have never eaten before? What role does culture play in what we eat? Historically, how has our views towards food changed?

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13 People Eat for a Myriad of Reasons….
“Eat to live” or “live to eat”….. Usually, it is not either/or; it is somewhere in-between the two. Food affects us in many ways and controls our choices: Sensory Appeal How it tastes, smells, looks, feels (texture) Personal likes and dislikes. Socially It’s a pleasurable time. Can be socially stressful if eating disorders/issues, poor manners, or an uncomfortable situation exist. People may judge you. Psychological People eat when they are happy, sad, depressed, stressed, bored, etc. It’s called emotional eating. Most people have some form of comfort foods. To the extreme, it can cause long-term issues. Advertising/media tries to influence what you will choose to eat.

14 People Eat for a Myriad of Reasons….
Physical We have to have food to live. The amount of food we need varies from person to person. There is no one-size fits all. How much energy your body needs determines the number of calories you need. Everyone needs a minimum amount of food from each food group daily. Health issues, allergies, intolerances Culture Religious, moral reasons, cost, availability, regional, ethnicity

15 Social Eating/Advertising
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16 Family Meal- 25 pts Due: August 23rd (Wednesday)

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