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Presentation on theme: "ExploringFeminism."— Presentation transcript:

1 ExploringFeminism

2 Learning objectives: To recap understanding of basic feminist concepts (such as patriarchy) To relate feminist thinking to range of social issues (and consolidate our understanding) To develop paragraph style in sociology writing (illustrating points with examples)

3 Patriarchy is.. Patriarchal ideology is.. Power held by men
A set of ideas that benefit men and keep women oppressed

4 In today’s lesson we are going to examine how men try to control women
In today’s lesson we are going to examine how men try to control women. We will consider how women are encouraged to behave in certain ways – which benefit men. We will consider how ideas about ‘being a woman’ are a form of ideology and created to benefit men in society.

5 The issues to consider:
Social control of women Gender role socialisation Things to consider: Ways men control women Women and the home Judgements by men Women and employment Relationship rules Public spaces Things to consider: Stereotypes Parental expectations Role models How women behave and why Relationships Media images

6 Man in suit - breadwinner
Nails/lips – attractive for man Man in suit - breadwinner Promoting idea of marriage Servant of a man Clinging onto him - protector Domestic role









15 Sky News reported that the pair discussed Massey's appearance, with Burton referring to Massey as "a bit of a looker" while Gray asks: "What do women know about the offside rule?"

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