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Proposals into the Plan for Development of JINR for

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1 Proposals into the Plan for Development of JINR for 2010-2016
A.Belushkin, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

2 IBR-2 pulsed reactor will continue to play its role as the JINR core basic facility for condensed matter research Reactor core Main movable reflector Additional movable Parameters Fuel PuO2 Active core volume 22 dm3 Cooling liquid Na Average power 2 МW Pulsed power MW Repetition rate 5 s-1 Average flux 8·1012 n/cm2/s Pulsed flux 5·1015 n/сm2/s Pulse width (fast / therm.) / 320 μs Number of channels 14

3 Final stages of the IBR-2 modernization
Reactor start-up and beginning of first power 2010 Regular experimental program with water moderators 2011

4 Results of modernization
New reactor elements Impact on reactor parameters New compact core higher thermal neutron flux on the moderator surface (up to 1.5 times higher as compared to IBR-2) Reduced speed rotation of movable reflector (MR) increase of MR lifetime by a factor of 2.5, higher safety level Use of fuel pellets with central hole increased burn-up depth up to 9 % (1.5 times longer service time) Use of two safety blocks rea-lizing functions of fast and slow emergency protection system Increase of reliability of the emergency protection mechanism, much simpler design of a stationary reflector Use of rolling moderators easy change of moderators Cold neutron moderators up to 25 times increase in cold neutrons flux

5 Main stages of the IBR-2M development in 2010-2016
completion of the theme 2011 – 2013 new theme “ Development of the cryogenic moderators complex and research of the IBR-2M characteristics” after 2013 operational cost only

6 General plan for Operation at design parameters of the reactor. Research of the IBR-2M’ characteristics. Realisation of the full-scale cryogenic complex. Purchase and installation of a new refrigerator for moderator serving beams 4,5,6. Creation of new movable reflector (MR-4). Development of projects for renewal of the reactor equipment (air-sodium heat exchangers, electromagnetic pumps, etc.). Development of a concept for the IBR-2M operation after 2030.

7 Required resources for the IBR-2M theme in 2010-2013, th. $
Works 2010 2011 2012 2013 Σ 1. Control and protection system 60 50 - 110 2. Technological equipment and materials 70 3. System of radiation control 350 300 650 4. Installation and adjustment works 80 5. Start-up and first power 100 200 6. Research of the IBR-2M characteristics 7. Cryogenic moderator complex, new refrigerator for moderator serving beams 4-6 175 380 330 1185 Total : 960 575 490 2355

8 Estimation of the IBR-2M necessary operating costs on 2010-2016, k$
Expenditures 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Σ Annual repair 100 700 Start of creation of new movable reflector (MR-4) 500 1200 Renewal of old equipment 300 200 1800 Subcontracts  Total : 900 1000 4400

9 Priority directions of research
Condensed Matter Physics at IBR-2M in (total requirement th. $) I. Nanosystems and Nanotechnologies II. Biomedical Research Priority directions of research III. Novel Materials IV. Engineering Diagnostics. Earth Sciences

10 Expected results and schedule
Nanosystems and nanotechnologies 1.1 Determination of proximity effects and their role in physical properties of superconductor/ferromagnetic nanostructures 1.2 Determination of magnetization distribution in layered nanostructures in depth and analysis of their magnetic properties 1.3 Determination of structural characteristics of magnetic colloid systems and stabilization mechanisms 1.4 Analysis of inter-particle interaction and cluster formation in colloid systems 1.5 Determination of structural characteristics of carbon nanomaterials – fullerene and nano-diamond dispersions, natural ones, and their relationship with physical and chemical properties 1.6 Determination of structural characteristics of new polymers and polymer nanodispersed materials, including dendrimers, having prospective technological applications

11 Expected results and schedule
2. Biomedical research 2.1 Determination of nanostructure of model lipid membrane stratum corneum (SC) and its diffusion properties 2.2 Determination of characteristics of diffusion process of pharmaceutical solvents through model lipid membrane 2.3 Determination of structural and functional characteristics of biological lipid macromolecules, DNA, RNA and their complexes

12 Expected results and schedule
3. Novel materials 3.1 Determination of crystal and magnetic structure parameters and their correlations with physical properties in complex magnetic transition metal oxides, prospective for technological applications 3.2 Determination of structural parameters of materials, prospective for use in fuel cells 3.3 Analysis of formation of magnetic structures and physical properties of frustrated multiferroics at high pressure 3.4 Determination of phase diagrams and crystal structures of various phases of organic ferroelectrics 3.5 Determination of structural parameters of nanocomposite magnetic semiconductors – materials for spintronics 3.6 Determination of molecular dynamics features and crystal structure of bio-active ciano-oxime and hexanol-based complex alcohol compounds

13 Expected results and schedule
4. Engineering diagnostics. Earth sciences. 4.1 Determination of residual stresses in bulk materials and products for nuclear facilities and science 4.2 Determination of residual stresses in details of machines and mechanisms 4.3 Determination of texture, stresses and deformations in geological materials. Classification of crystallographic textures of minerals in different earth rocks of lithosphere 4.4 Determination of structural instability conditions of rock materials for development of earthquake mechanisms concept

14 Directions for development of spectrometers complex
First priority projects – creation of new high intensity diffractometer for microsamples DN-6, new multifunctional reflectometer GRAINS, upgrade of SKAT/EPSILON spectrometers complex (with external funding from BMBF) 2. Second priority projects – completion of the FSD diffractometer project, upgrade of the spectrometers HRFD, DN-2, YuMO, REMUR, REFLEX, NERA-PR, DIN-2PI 3. Development of the projects of new small angle neutron scattering spectrometer and neutron reflectometer with atomic resolution 4 Development of new neutron scattering methods for studies of structure and dynamics of nanosystems and novel materials 1 м 32 м 8 м Background chopper Neutron guide Detector system Layout of the new high intensity diffractometer for microsamples DN-6 project Due to relatively low intensity of neutron sources the neutron scattering experiments under extreme conditions (high pressure, high and low temperature) are very complicated and they can be performed now only in a few neutron centers in the world in relatively moderate pressure range up to 10 GPa. FLNP JINR is one of such centers and realization of the new high intensity diffractometer for microsamples DN-6 project will allow to perform neutron diffraction experiments with very small samples (0.005 mm3) in much extended pressure range up to 50 GPa and higher, beyond the world achieved level. This significantly widens the research areas in the field of condensed matter physics, and complimentary fields – materials science, pharmacology, geophysics and mineralogy

15 Planned financing schedule for the first priority projects
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1 DN-6 diffractometer project (1 670 th. $ ): fabrication and installation of mirror neutron guide fabrication and installation of detector system fabrication and installation of mechanical part fabrication and installation of electronics blocks 250 100 70 50 150 50 100 2 EPSILON/SCAT project: completion of neutron guide new DAQ electronics 80 20 3 GRAINS reflectometer project ( th. $ ): fabrication and installation of neutron guide system fabrication and installation of mechanical part fabrication and installation of PSD detector fabrication and installation of sample holder unit 32.9 51 112.4

16 Main directions of R&D activities 2010-2016 (total requirement is 4 220 th. $)
Simulation and optimization of the spectrometers of the IBR-2M reactor, development of methods of neutron spectrometry Modernization of elements of spectrometers and exploitation of present equipment R&D of novel neutron and X-ray detectors and DAQ, increasing of effectiveness of their application Cryogenic investigations R&D of cold moderators, installation and performance control of new equipment Development of the network and computer infrastructure of the IBR-2M spectrometer complex (remote control, new network technologies, software, hardware)

17 The expected financial costs of materials and equipment for R&D activities
Cold moderators for IBR-2M ( , 670 th. $) Helium blower Heat exchanger Charging device

18 The expected financial costs of materials and equipment for R&D activities
Infrastructure of test beam ( , 245 th. $) Neutron detectors with DAQ ( , 1345 th. $) The direct beam profile of beam #7 of the IR-8 reactor of RRC KI (axis in a channel scale (one channel = 0.3 mm))

19 The expected financial costs of materials and equipment for R&D activities
New generation of DAQ ( , 310 th. $ ) Gate TOF From MWPC Daughter Board Data WR RD NIM-TTL TDC-GPX Anode X1 X2 Y1 Y2 FPGA EP1C6Q240C6 Hist. Memory 1GByte WE RAS CAS Parallel2Serial Serial2Parallel Optical Converter Fiber Link 1.25Gb/s Data acquisition systems with count rate 106 events/sec and optical connection with PC, USB interface

20 The expected financial costs of materials and equipment for R&D activities
Exchange of a control system of beam choppers ( , 40 th. $) Control system of sample environment (CAN) ( , 50 th.$) Exploitation of the spectrometers automation systems ( , 155 th.$) Cryogenic investigations ( , 310 th. $) Cryostat with cryocooler РТ405 Shaft cryostat with cryocooler SRP-62В Working temperatures K Working temperatures K

21 The expected financial costs of materials and equipment for R&D activities
Equipment of the channel for studying radiation resistance of materials at low temperature ( , 220 th. $) Modernisation of network and computer infrastructure of the IBR-2M spectrometers complex ( , 755 th. $) Sonix+ and WebSonix

22 Thank you for the attention!
Conclusion Full realisation of the presented Program will allow to considerably upgrade the instrument suit at IBR-2M, to increase its attractiveness for the users from JINR Member-states and collaborative partners and to perform investigations in the priority fields of research on the basis of modern standards. Thank you for the attention!

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