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Isaiah 9: 6 His name shall be called be called....Mighty God

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Presentation on theme: "Isaiah 9: 6 His name shall be called be called....Mighty God"— Presentation transcript:

1 Isaiah 9: 6 His name shall be called be called....Mighty God.......
Bible Reading: Colossians 1: 1-18, Isaiah 9:6

2 Introduction The word " Mighty" implies " one who is victorious in battle, "suggesting power, strength and victory. The prophetic name of the coming Savior reveals...

3 The prophetic name of the coming Savior reveals...
Christ's power as Creator

4 The prophetic name of the coming Savior reveals...
Christ's Power as Sustainer

5 The prophetic name of the coming Savior reveals...
Christ's Power as Redeemer

6 The prophetic name of the coming Savior reveals...
Christ's Power as Redeemer Christ's Power to : Come to earth Live on earth. Romans 1:4 Speak on earth . Mark 1:22 Work on Earth. Luke 24:19

7 The prophetic name of the coming Savior reveals...
Christ's Power as Redeemer Christ's Power to : Die on earth. John 10: 17-18 Rise on earth. John Save on earth. Matthew 9:6

8 Will you claim Him as Lord of your Life?
Conclusion What a glorious Christmas message this is. His name shall be called; Mighty God as Creator , Sustainer, Redeemer. Will you claim Him as Lord of your Life?

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