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Prof. Rai Muhammad Asghar Head of Paediatric Department RMC Rawalpindi

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1 Prof. Rai Muhammad Asghar Head of Paediatric Department RMC Rawalpindi

2 Acute Post streptococcal Glomerulonephritis

3 Sudden onset of Gross hematuria Edema Hypertension Renal insufficiency

4 Cause of AGN Post infectious (Gp A B sterp) Vasculitis HS purpura SLE
Microscopic polyarteritis Polyarteritis nodosa IgA nephropathy Antiglomerular basement membrane disease

5 Post streptococcal Glomerulonephritis
Triad of Acute nephritic syndrome Evidence of recent strep infection Low C3 level

Infection of the throat or skin by nephrogenic strains of group A beta – hemolytic sterptococci Commonly follows streptococcal pharyngitis during cold weather months and sterptococcal skin infections or pyoderma during warm weather

7 Pharyngitis Pyoderma Strep type Gp A (12) Gp A (49) Climate Temperature , Cold Hot, tropical Season Wniter & spring Summer & fall Incubation period 1-2 wks 3-6 wks Sex incidence B:G 2:1 Equal

8 PATHOLOGY Light microscopy: Enlarged and bloodless glomeruli
Diffuse mesangial proliferation with increase in mesangial matrix Polymorphonuclear leukocytes Crescent farmation and interstitial inflammation

9 Immunofluorescene microscopy
Lumpy – Bumpy deposits of immunoglobulin and complement on GBM and in the mesangium Electron Microscopy Electron – dense deposits, or humps are observed on epithelial of the GBM

10 PATHOGENESIS Exact mechanism not known
Morphological studies and depression in the serum complement (C3) level strongly suggest immune mediated illness

Age 5-15 year Incubation period: 1-2 weeks after pharyngitis 3-6 weeks after pyoderma Hematuria either asymptomatic microscopic with normal renal function or Gross hematuria (cola colored) with acute renal failure Oliguria Edema Hypertension Hypertensive encephalopathy

12 Edema results from salt and water retention and nephrotic syndrome may develop in < 5%
Malaise, lethargy, abdominal or flank pain and fever are non specific features Acute subglottic edema and airway compromise Acute phase resolve within 6-8 weeks, urinary protein excretion and hypertension normalize by 4-6 weeks persistent microscopic hematuria may persist for years

13 INVESTIGATIONS Urine R/E Renal function Test Serum electrolytes CXR
Red blood cells Red blood cells cast Proteinuria Leukocytes Renal function Test Serum electrolytes Hyponatermia and hyperkalemia CXR

14 Evidence of streptococcal infection
Throat culture Raised ASO titer Streptozyme Test Complement C3 Level Low Complete Blood count Hemoglobin – Low Total and differential count usually within normal limits Retics – Raised ESR- Raised

15 Indication for Renal Biopsy
Acute renal failure Nephrotic syndrome Absence of evidence of streptococcal infection Normal complement level Hematuria, Proteinuria, diminished renal function and or a low C3 level persist more than 2 months after onset

16 Differential Diagnosis
UTI Nephrotic syndrome CRF Liver disorders Cardiac disease Malabsorption disorder

17 Differential Diagnosis
Membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis IgA nephropathy Systemic lupus erythematosis Henoch-schonlein purpura Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Infective Endocarditis

18 Complication Hypertension Acute renal failure Heart failure
Hyperkalemia Hyperphosphatemia Hypocalcemia Acidosis Seizures Uremia

19 Treatment General and Supportive Care Treatment of Complications
Bed Rest Antibiotics (benzyl penicillin x 10 days) Dietary Restriction Treatment of Complications Renal failure Left Ventricular failure Hypertensive

20 ARF Protein restriction Fluid & electrolyte balance Acid base balance
Control of infections Control of seizures Anemia

21 Heart Failure Bed Rest Prop up O2 inhalation Digitalization Diuretics
ACE inhibitors

22 Hypertensive Encephalopathy
Labetalol 0.2 – 1.0mg/kg/dose then 0.25 – 2.0mg/kg/hour Isosorbide dinitrate (Isoket) 5µg/kg/mint Hydralazine 0.15kg/dose Furosemide ( 1-2mg/kg/dose 4-6 hrly) Captopril (0.5-5mg/kg/day 8 hrly)

23 Prevention Early systemic antibiotic therapy dose not eliminate the risk Family members of patients with AGN should be cultured for group A beta hemolytic streptococcus and treated if culture positive

24 Prognosis Complete recovery in more than 95% cases
Infrequently, the acute phase be severe and lead to glomerular hyalinization and chronic renal insufficiency Recurrences are extremely rare

25 Thank You

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