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K-6 Benchmark Assessment Inservices

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1 K-6 Benchmark Assessment Inservices
Cathy Kane Jennifer Televik Fall 2010

2 A Test is a Test is a Test…or is It?
Write one statement about assessment on a post-it note. The statement can be True or False. Example: End of chapter tests are one way to assess students.

3 Where We’ve Been Summer 2010

4 Where We Are Benchmark Exams Benchmark Exam Inservices Math-Grades K-6
Science-Grade 5 ELA-Grades K Benchmark Exam Inservices

5 Benchmark Assessment Teacher Feedback

6 Where We’re Going Summer 2011

7 Today’s Inservice Agenda
Inservice Goals: Each participant will walk away with… Having had the opportunity to articulate within a grade level (across schools) and within a school team (across grade levels). The ability to access data for benchmark exams and the ability to help team members at the school access benchmark exam data. Ideas for how the benchmark and benchmark data might inform instructional decision making and how to lead a discussion with the school team. A plan for how to share with the other teachers at the school, including activities. Having had the opportunity to provide input regarding benchmark 1 to development teams.

8 Resources for Today’s Inservice
SaddlePort Haiku DataDirector Handouts: Benchmark 1, answer key, essential standards chart

9 A Test is a Test is a Test…or is It?
Data Assessment of Learning and Assessment for Learning

10 A Test is a Test is a Test…or is It? (continued)
Assessment of Learning Measures student achievement in relation to standards Given after learning is supposed to occur Results used primarily by teachers and school and district administrators to track student achievement, make decisions about curriculum and professional development, and predict performance on high-stakes tests Assessment for Learning Designed to increase, not merely monitor, student learning Turns assessment process into instructional intervention Results used primarily by teachers, grade levels, and departments to inform instruction and target interventions Research supports significant gains in student achievement

11 A Balanced Assessment System
Assessment of Learning Statewide Assessments - CSTs District Summative Assessments District Benchmark Assessments School or Grade-Level Assessments Classroom Assessments Assessment for Learning

12 Accessing Benchmark Data
Guide with step-by-step directions available on Haiku site District Exam Report Refer teachers to Haiku site for grade level Classroom Exam Report Classrom Exam Report (Response Matrix) Classroom Performance Summary Report School Report

13 Benchmark Exam Performance Bands
Generic Performance Bands this year 0-20% Far Below Basic 20-40% Below Basic 40-60% Basic 60-80% Proficient 80-100% Advanced Goal is for students to score at same Performance Level on Benchmark Exam and CST Will use data from Benchmark Exams and 2011 CSTs to set more valid Performance Bands for Not for today, but for summer committee bigger data pool allows for better statistical analysis of Benchmark exams Performance Bands can be viewed on Exam screen Generic bands for this year Adjustments to performance bands will not be made until next year, once we have 2011 CST data to align to Caution-do not rely on Performance Bands or print Parent Letters, etc. for this year Pivot Table Reports-for Benchmark & CST-see Haiku site

14 So… Is a Benchmark Exam Just a Test?
Ideas to discuss with your grade level and record on Benchmark Inservice Notes document: What instructional decisions will you make based on this data? Will these decisions be implemented now, in the next month, later this school year, or next year? How might you share this data and today’s activities with other teachers at your school? As a grade level, highlight the most important ideas from your notes, and be prepared to share out with the group.

15 School Site Team Ideas to discuss with your school site team and record on Benchmark Inservice Notes document: How do the activities from today’s inservice integrate with the work you are doing at your school site? What is your school plan for sharing and utilizing the activities and data from today’s inservice? How will data and information be shared? Staff meeting? Grade-level teams? Which Exam Reports do you plan to share? Consider classroom, School, and/or District level data. What other resources do you need? As a school site team, highlight the most important ideas from your notes, and be prepared to share out with the group.

16 Closing Remarks Haiku Site Review Benchmark Exam Feedback Forms
Inservice Evaluation Cathy Kane SVUSD Curriculum Coordinator Jennifer Televik SVUSD Assessment Specialist Please complete feedback forms for benchmark assessments-input will be used by Summer Committee for benchmark revisions

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