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Around 10 Terabites have been already allocated to the CHFP dataserver at CIMA

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2 Around 10 Terabites have been already allocated to the CHFP dataserver at CIMA

3 Short Course on seasonal predictions for Latin America
2 weeks of lectures (morning) & computing laboratory (afternoon) Tentatively scheduled for March 2010 at the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Objective: To make visible the CHFP effort within the Latin-american scientific community and increase the regional capacity on the use of seasonal prediction for applications Content: Multi-model multi-member seasonal predictions Tools for Probabilistic seasonal predictions Training on the use of CHFP data Applications for Water resources and agriculture Participants (50-70): Students or young scientists from all the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (Universities, NWS, Water agencies, Agricultural agencies) Very likely it will be a Training Course of IAI (Interamerican Institute for Global Change) IRI and CPTEC have shown interest and they will likely participate in the content design and lecture work

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