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Staff Code of Conduct Lisa Woodman 3rd March 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Code of Conduct Lisa Woodman 3rd March 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Code of Conduct Lisa Woodman 3rd March 2015

2 Why have a code of conduct ?
Wanted to provide parameters for staff to operate within Guidelines on how to deal with a potential range of scenarios To provide clear instructions for staff on what is acceptable and unacceptable

3 Code of Conduct It is impossible for us to cover every range of eventualities We anticipate that there will be scenarios where you will have to use your professional judgement If you think there fundamental areas missing then please feed that back to us.

4 Confidentiality Will have access to learners information
Staff should not casually use in conversation with others, other than on a need to know basis If information is shared that may give rise to a safeguarding issue it should be passed to a Designated Person If you are in any doubt about a request to share information then discuss this with your line manager

5 Power and Positions of Trust
Adults should work in an open and transparent way and should monitor and review their practice

6 Dress and Appearance Staff should ensure that they are dressed decently, safely and appropriately for the tasks that they undertake. - should be professional and appropriate to role -Not viewed as offensive -Not revealing or sexually provocative -Doesn’t distract , cause embarrassment or give rise to misunderstanding

7 Gifts, Rewards and Favouritism
Don’t accept gifts that could be misconstrued as a bribe Small tokens of appreciation are fine, but be careful

8 Infatuations They do happen and should be responded too with sensitivity Be aware of misinterpretations Discuss with your line manager if you are aware of this

9 Communicating with Learners
Never on Social Networking Sites Do not give out personal information Maintain professional boundaries Be aware of communication

10 Social Contact Staff should not seek to establish social contact with learners for the purpose of securing a friendship or to pursue a relationship

11 Sexual Contact Do not engage in sexual relationships with learners
Do not have any form of communication with a child or young person which could be construed as sexually suggestive Do not make sexual remarks or innuedoes

12 Physical Contact Must be appropriate to the activity

13 Photographs Not in secret Get agreement/consent in advance

14 Any Questions

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