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Systems of Linear Equations

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1 Systems of Linear Equations
Three Variables

2 3 variables, 3 answers Because there are three variables, the solution will have three answers They are shown in an ordered triple (x,y,z)

3 Example 1 X+2y-3z=-3 2x-5y+4z=13 5x+4y-z=5
There is one answer. What is it? (2,-1,1) Simple right?

4 Linear Combination and Substitiution
Use linear combination to rewrite system with three variables into system with two. Solve the new linear system for both variables. Substitute your 2 answers into one of the original problems. Solve for last variable.

5 Example two 3x+2y+4z=11 2x-y+3z=4 Solve 5x-3y=5z=-1
3x+2y+4z=11 add 2 times 2nd to 1st 4x-2y+6z=8 7x+10z=19 new equation #1

6 continued 5x-3y=5z=-1 add -3 times 2nd to 3rd -6x+3y-9z=-12
-x-4z=-13 New equation #2

7 Take new equations and combine them
7x+10z=19 add7 times new eq. 2 -7x-28z=-91 -18z=-72 4 Solve for z and insert it into equation to find x=-3.

8 LAST STEP, smh Now insert X and Z into original equation Solve for y
2(-3)-y+3(4)=4 y=2 Final answer is (-3,2,4)

9 And now you know Remember, Combination then substitution.
It does not matter which variable or equation you solve for first, second, or last. And now you know

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