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QA tools – introduction and summary of activities

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1 QA tools – introduction and summary of activities
Jacek Otwinowski (for the DPG QA tools) 26-Sep-17 Alice Mini Week

2 Outline Goal: Improve set of QA tools for the software validation, online and offline QA to be used in Run2 and Run3. Software validation with reference RAW and MC data Offline QA tools Online QA (HLT QA) tools Service tasks Outlook 26-Sep-17 Alice Mini Week

3 Software validation with reference RAW and MC data
Full processing chains Data: Calibration, reconstruction, QA MC: Performance generation, Geant3 transport, reconstruction, QA Run for each ALICE software build Tools / implementation status Execution system (implemented, tested) – Matteo Concas/Dario Berzano Performance MC generator (setup, under tests) – Jihyun Bhom/Marian Ivanov Analyze QA output: completeness checks, RAM/CPU and detector QA (to be included) 26-Sep-17 Alice Mini Week

4 Offline QA tools Iwona Sputowska, Marian Ivanov, Hans Beck, Jacek Otwinowski, Boris Rumantsev, Christian Borjau Detector, trigger, calibration, tracking, PID and analysis QA QA tools developments QA based on Elastic ( ROOT tree based DB (TPC QA generalization) Data samples comparison based on the parameterization maps Massive tests ongoing Elasticsearch query: python and c++ clients Data normalization in Elasticsearch (parent-child relationships) To be implemented Time series support for ROOT tree based DB Visualization / dashboards 26-Sep-17 Alice Mini Week

5 Online QA (HLT QA)
Raymond Ehlers, Markus Fasel, Sarah LaPointe Online processing and interface for online detector monitoring and basic QA using data from the HLT (originally implemented for EMCAL) Architecture similar to data processing in Run3 (parallel processing -> merging -> QA -> visualization) Ongoing activities Deployment of the Overwatch Upgrade Elasticsearch usage for trending information Future plans Apache Kafka usage Triggering alarms 26-Sep-17 Alice Mini Week

6 Service task 1 Task: Development of a trending and alarm framework for online HLT QA Several QA components on the HLT provide QA data for different detectors at discrete times as simple 1 or multi-dimensional histogram. These data are visualized using the overwatch web application. The scope of the task is to implement a component processing the histograms and extracting trending information. These trending information will be sent to an elasticsearch database for visualization. In addition, by comparing to limits defined by users, automatic alarms should be raised ( to detector responsible with alarm message + Log in database). The alarm handling should be in testing phase during the pp data taking period end of 2017. Ready to be taken (Data Preparation Groups) 26-Sep-17 Alice Mini Week

7 Outlook Development is ongoing on several fronts
Connection to JSROOT developers and CERN monitoring/Elastic stack teams established Regular meetings (Wednesdays 2:30 PM) list Dedicated JIRA project (ADQT) Please join and participate in developments! 26-Sep-17 Alice Mini Week

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