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Renaissance Music AH-HS-1.1.1 AH-HS-2.1.1 AH-HS-3.1.1.

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance Music AH-HS-1.1.1 AH-HS-2.1.1 AH-HS-3.1.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance Music AH-HS-1.1.1 AH-HS-2.1.1 AH-HS-3.1.1

2 COUNTERPOINT Twoormoremelodiclinesoccuringatthesametime

3 SacredMusic GermanChorale
ResultofMartinLuther’sdesiretobringpeopleintomoredirectcontactwithGod Hymnswerecreatedsotheentirecongregationwouldsing,notjustthechoir Sunginthevernacular,language,ofthecommonpeople

4 SecularMusic Madrigals Onesingerperpart(counterpoint)
3typesofmadrigals Madirgalproper TheBallett TheAyre

5 MarigalProper Newtuneforeachnewlineoftest Wordsandmusiccloselymatched

6 TheBallett Lighterinstylethanthemadirgalproper

7 TheAyre “ayre”meanssong
Canbeperformedbysolovoiceaccompaniedbyaninstrument(s)orallpartssungwithoutinstrumentalaccompaniment Printedon2pagesofabook Themelodyisontheleftpage Thelowerparts(harmony)isontherightpage

8 St.Mark’sCathedral Venice,Italy Twoorganlofts Twochoirlofts
Allowedforpolychoralcompositions Phrasefromleftsideofthechurchwasechoedoransweredbytherightside

9 Aerial view of St. Mark’s Cathedral Artifice Inc. (2012). St. Marks
Aerial view of St.Mark’s Cathedral Artifice Inc.(2012).St. Marks. Retrieved September15,2012 from

10 Exterior View

11 Historical Photo

12 Inside-Historical

13 Giovanni Gabrieli 1557-1612 Born and lived in Venice,Italy
1584 became principal organist of St. Mark’s Most of his works are sacred choral and instrumental Used the setup of St. Mark’s to write polychoral music Cori spezzati (separate choirs) Sonata Pian e Forte 1st piece of music to have markings to distinguish between piano and forte (loud and soft)

14 Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina
Age 19, appointed organist of the cathedral in Palestrina Italy 1550 Pope Julius III appointed him maestro of Capella Giulia Wrote motets and masses

15 Palestrina “Prince of Music”
“Saved music” by proving counterpoint and clarity of text could live together Complete works number about 1,000

16 The Growth of Music Printing press allowed more widespread distribution of music First score was printed with bars and lines in 1557 Music was now less expensive

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