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USA-15 Compressor displacement for maintenance

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1 USA-15 Compressor displacement for maintenance
R. Vuillermet V. Zahradnik 11/10/2016

2 Needs Find a way to move out of USA15 one pump (500kg) which is bloc by a vessel . The pump shall be moved out for maintenance on 7th of December 11/10/2016

3 Options Install a monorail to bring the pump in an area accessible by a trans- palette No possibility to suspend the monorail from the sealing as to many pipes and ventilation ducks are installed The only possibility is then to install a metallic structure to support the monorail. But this solution reduce even more the access in an already crowded environment and would required modification of the floor structure (could be time consuming) 11/10/2016

4 Cantilever lifting crane attached to the pillar
Use a cantilever lifting beam fixed on the column to bring the pump in an area accessible by a trans-palette The advantage of this solution is that the articulate cantilever beam is a standard material Cantilever lifting crane attached to the pillar Square steel pillar with outer dimension 400x400 Pump in operation Main entrance door 11/10/2016

5 Pump displaced for maintenance and replacement

6 As an example 11/10/2016

7 Column 400x400 are fill with concreate and reinforced with steel rods
This allow us to fix the cantilever beam by clamping technics on the column This allow us to take locally the torque generated by the cantilever 11/10/2016

8 Status On 4th of October 2 companies visit the USA15 environement to prepare an offer. We have asked the offer to be send by the end of this week (14 of October) Companies: Altead-Reel (frame contract at CERN for the maintenance of lifting equipment at CERN and installation of small lifting equipment) AW an supplier of lifting equipment at CERN To be in time the installation and reception will be done during the run or during TS3 but definitively before the 7th of December. Both companies agree on this constrain 11/10/2016

9 Open question Budget code to use for this order : 11/10/2016

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