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Presentation on theme: "Congratulations!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congratulations!

2 Name cards will be on the chairs, which are arranged alphabetically by college. Once you find your name card, follow the instructions on the back of the card.

3 E N S December 2017 STAGE W A B A B Education Doctoral D C Juris Doctoral Business-Grad B A D C Journalism-Grad & Health Sciences-Undergrad Education-Grad Business-Undergrad Journalism-Undergrad Arts & Sci-Undergrad Education-Undergrad 10 X 16 10 X 15 Fall 2017 Commencement Ceremony: Drake University Drake Knapp Center, Forest Ave, between 25th and 27th Streets, Des Moines, IA 50311 Saturday, December 16, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. Questions: See website: or Call or

4 You need to be dressed in your cap and gown 45 minutes before the ceremony is scheduled to begin.

5 If the diploma mailing address listed or the degree(s) on your card is incorrect, please go to the HELP desk at the front to speak with a staff member.

6 The Associate Marshal will provide last minute instructions and announcements 30 minutes before commencement is schedule to begin.

7 The Name Reader will be available under the “Reader” sign until 30 minutes before procession if you would like to speak with him about the pronunciation of your name.

8 The processional to the Knapp Center leaves the Bell Center gym 15 minutes before commencement is scheduled to begin. Students who arrive late will be directed to the end of the line for their college— No exceptions.

9 Please be aware that LifeTouch Photography will take a photo of you in front of a green screen as you exit the stage. Please be aware that there will be 2 times you will be asked to look at the camera There will be two There will be two

10 ONLY carry your name card.
Please do not carry anything with you into the Knapp Center (including purses, cameras, phones, flowers, etc…). Please leave personal items with friends and family or you may leave them at the HELP desk up front. ONLY carry your name card.

11 Please hold your name card at all times.
Most importantly: Please hold your name card at all times.

12 During the ceremony, please follow the directions of your Student Marshals.
Men, please remove your caps during the National Anthem portion of the ceremony.

13 Please hold your name cards at all times.
Again: Please hold your name cards at all times.

14 Please note that if you are receiving two degrees, you will only walk across the stage one time during which both degrees will be read aloud.

15 The Marshals will direct the recessional to the lobby of the Knapp Center not back to the Bell Center gym. *Afterwards, do not forget to return to the Bell Center to retrieve personal items.

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