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Advisory Survey Please complete the following survey

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1 Advisory Survey Please complete the following survey

2 Texas Reality Check Don't know how much money you will need to earn in the future? Don't know which occupation to choose? No problem!

3 Texas Reality Check Purpose: To start your thinking about the type of future you envision for yourself, including the lifestyle you wish to have. Directions: Go to the website Click on the “play” button under 1-Reality Check. Answer the following questions truthfully and honestly. Record your responses below.

4 Categories Results Housing Utilities Food Transportation Clothes
Utilities Food Transportation Clothes Health Care Personal Entertainment Miscellaneous Savings Student Loan Debt Monthly Expenses Annual Expenses Taxes (10% of Annual Expenses) Annual Salary Needed

5 Reflection How hard are you willing to work to achieve your goals?
Think about the lifestyle you have envisioned for yourself. You have used the Average Income Data to determine the education level necessary to create the “earning power” needed to support your chosen lifestyle. How hard are you willing to work to achieve your goals? Will you need to make sacrifices? What do you think they might be? What will the benefits be if you put forth the effort to achieve your goals?

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