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Redevelopment Long Range Management Plans

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Presentation on theme: "Redevelopment Long Range Management Plans"— Presentation transcript:

1 Redevelopment Long Range Management Plans
Presented by Joe Aguilar Vavrinek Trine Day & Co., LLP 2015

2 Where Do We Start? Debt Management (those underfunded bond payments)
Cash Management (remember those City complaints) Asset Management (what other assets) Transition (Final Destination….County Auditors Offices) Final Thoughts and Uncharted Waters

3 Debt Management Scheduling those principal and interest payments
Continuing Disclosure and Arbitrage Compliance Managing the fiscal agents, trustees & remarketing agents How about those defeasance escrows What bond covenant coverage? Potential Bond Re-financings Bonds with Bond Indentures and Bond Trustees

4 Cash Management Coordinating with the Treasurer’s Office
Tracking tax increment flow What to do with the debt service reserve funds? Don’t forget about those DSR GIC’s Planning for the Cash Deficits

5 Transition Steps County Auditor Controllers…The New Redevelopment Czars February 2016 switch over to Annual ROPS Final ROPS (maybe February 2017) Coordination and file management with Successor Agencies

6 Final Thoughts Beware of any fine details…bond disclosures, escrows
Calculating City loan payments Ground Lease Revenues Dealing with those Trustee bond attorneys

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