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2013 Wardens Conference Pasco, Washington The Skills of Being a Brother VWB Lance Otis.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 Wardens Conference Pasco, Washington The Skills of Being a Brother VWB Lance Otis."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 Wardens Conference Pasco, Washington The Skills of Being a Brother VWB Lance Otis

2 Introduction Here are a few skills & suggestions to generate candidates from visitors and activate and involve members.

3 First Time Visitors Impressions Seven minutes is all you get to make a good first impression. Visitors should be Greeted with a smile, Politely directed where they need to go, Treated with respect.

4 First Time Visitors Impressions Your Lodge: Clean and neat, Signs are the best way a guest can find what they need. Provide a manned guest table / reception desk, Provide a small gift remembrance of their visit. Smile.

5 Skill # 1 Show Your Enthusiasm and Greet each person with a smile on your face. Be enthusiastic in all that you say and do. Show that enthusiasm with a smile.

6 Skill # 2 Encourage them to talk about themselves. Don't burden others with lengthy stories about yourself unless invited to do so. Make every effort to encourage them to talk about themselves (which is a favorite topic of many). You demonstrate your interest in them as person.

7 Skill # 3 Maintain positive eye contact with everyone with whom you speak Positive eye contact demonstrates his interest. Positive eye contact will indicate how much you care. Notice how difficult it is for people with whom you talk to maintain positive eye contact.

8 Skill # 4 Listen attentively to others when they share their thoughts and ideas with you. Good listening skills indicate that you are sincerely interested in their ideas and what they have to say.

9 Skill # 5 Remember to use their name when speaking to them. Nothing is as sweet to another as the sound of his name. You'll be amazed at how much more personally your message with be received.

10 Skill # 6 Always be Positive! Use positive words and phrases with positive expressions in talking with others. Most enjoy being with others who are positive about life and what can be accomplished and tend to avoid those who walk around as if a dark cloud followed them at all times.

11 Skill # 7 Use body language that demonstrates your interest in others and what they have to say. Practice body language like: smiling; leaning forward when another is speaking; stand when someone approaches you; shake his hand; Smile and dress neatly and appropriately at all times.

12 Skill # 8 Make every effort to find something for which you can give a person a compliment. But don't just give compliments as if they were candy.

13 Skill # 9 Don't share your personal problems with others {including rumors and drama}. All have their own problems, therefore, don't burden them with yours.

14 Visitors to Candidates Get their contact information. A contact card is useful (with send me info check boxes). Follow up: Invite them back, Follow up: send them a note, Follow up on their second visit. Use the Skills listed above.

15 Keeping Brothers Involved All the above skills that apply to visitors, more especially, apply to Brothers.

16 Keeping Brothers Involved A Leader and Brother knows that the way to accomplish his and the Lodge's goals is to support, encourage, and build-up his Brothers. In doing so, he also fulfills the goal of Masonry to support and make good men better.

17 Skill # 10 Ask the question What can I do to help you accomplish your goals? The world puts emphasis upon individual success. If you want to build another Brother, let him accomplish his goals. When a Brother knows that another Brother cares about his goals, that Brother will have a greater sense of confidence and feeling of self worth.

18 Skill # 11 Make a special effort to recognize others for their accomplishments. Whether big or small, recognize a Brother's accomplishments. All people like to be recognized for their accomplishments. Recognition does not have to be a trophy or a plaque. A simple word or thanks or praise will do.

19 Skill # 12 Give Special Recognition to others. Send a special card or message to a Brother for their efforts on behalf of the Lodge and you'll be amazed at how it will improve the Brother's day and dedication to the Lodge. The special recognition can be a simple card, or a Masonic memento. Nothing builds a Brother like knowing that Brothers care about and appreciate him.

20 Skill # 13 Remember Special Days! Place importance on special days like birthdays, anniversaries, birth of children, new jobs or promotions, or other special events in the Brother's life and send a card, send an email, or make a phone call. They know you care because you remembered one of their special days.

21 Skill # 14 Be willing to help others with their projects or work Brothers will get a boost of good feelings when they know you are willing to help them complete a project, task or assignment. And in return, they'll help you. You build Brothers by helping them accomplish their tasks.

22 Skill # 15 Build on the ideas of others Build on another Brother's ideas and you'll encourage the Brother to contribute more in a discussion. Even though a Brother may not have the best idea, build on the Brother's thoughts and the Brother will feel as if he has contributed to the discussion - and he has.

23 Skill # 16 Give Credit to others for their ideas and contributions. Give the your Brother the credit for an idea when presenting it to others. Crediting others is a great people building principle. Be a builder and give credit to others.

24 Skill # 17 Help others improve their performance though positive suggestions. You build Brothers when you help them improve their performance. You also demonstrate your interest in him, as a person, when you express your willingness to help them improve their performance.

25 Skill # 18 Share motivational and inspirational thoughts and stories with others. Help surround Brothers with motivational and inspiration thoughts and stories through presentations, books, posters, songs, or bulletins. Positive people, positive challenges, and positive ideas build Brothers.

26 Skill # 19 Exhibit unquestionable trust in others. Trust is a powerful tool in building others. When a Brother knows you trust him he will respond in a positive manner. Trust demonstrates you believe in the Brother.

27 Skill # 20 Go the second mile at all times! Even if a Brother disappoints you, give him a second change and a third or however many it takes. When you go the second mile, you demonstrate how much you care and the Brother will respond positively to that extra effort.

28 Skill # 21 Don't tear down others at any time. If you tear a Brother down, you also tear down a little of yourself as well. There is considerable difference between helping a Brother improve himself and "tearing" him down. Remember, to whisper wise counsel in the Brother's ear.

29 Skill # 22 Demonstrate unquestioned patience at all times and then wait a few minutes more... "Patience is Golden." Patience will conquer many battles and will overcome many challenges. It demonstrates you care about the Brother because you are unwilling to pass judgment until full opportunity has been given to respond to what is expected.

30 Skill # 23 Personally invite a Brother to participate in activities. Involvement builds Brothers and the Lodge. Invite a Brother to a Lodge activity, or a non-Lodge related activity, or to coffee and watch his reaction. When the Brothers are involved in an activity, they feel important and as if they can contribute significantly to the success of the activity. Include Brothers in discussions when you notice them sitting around the edges of the group and not talking and watch their reaction. Include Brothers in whatever tasks must be performed and watch their reaction.

31 Skill # 24 Demonstrate your caring by sharing what you know with others. Don't hide what you know or have experienced from other Brothers just to keep yourself on top. Share what you know and you'll gain more than you ever thought possible. Give freely and willingly to the Brothers and you'll get more in return. If you share, you care. If you care, you're building Brothers.

32 Skill # 25 Remember. Help others as you would want them to help you. If youll simply treat Brothers as the Craft teaches and the way you would like to be treated, you'll be amazed at how the Brothers respond to you.

33 Questions? 2013 Wardens Conference Pasco, Washington

34 VWB Lance Otis email: Phone: (360) 874-0835 2013 Wardens Conference Pasco, Washington

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