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KICD – UNESCO – IBE Curriculum Workshop Day 4 AM

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Presentation on theme: "KICD – UNESCO – IBE Curriculum Workshop Day 4 AM"— Presentation transcript:

1 KICD – UNESCO – IBE Curriculum Workshop Day 4 AM
Thomas Cobb Faculty of Education, Université du Québec à Montréal Lili Ji International Bureau of Education Geneva

2 Competence-and-ICTs Day
Develop competency Checklist ICTs and CBE: IT and CBE, a necessary connection? Tom’s paper “teacher with the text” Focus on Kenya Five specific ways ICT can support CBE Picture Review activity OPTIONAL half-hour on CBE, ICTs, and constructivism Free time to work on presentation

3 Competence Approach & Information Technology
CA & IT Nearly ALL CA systems place IT among the core competencies But is there really any necessary connection?

4 IT and workplace preparation

5 IT and economic development

6 But the role of IT in learning

7 IT as extra to or essence of CA?

8 Tutorial vs. exploratory uses of IT

9 IT and learning in complex domains

10 The cost of IT: Is it worth it?
When is it worth it: For tutorial purposes? For exploratory purposes? As probably the only practical way of realizing the aims of true formative/remedial pacing “time is the variable, not achievement “ As preparation for almost ALL 21st Century knowledge work As the basis of a Distance Education system

11 IT and Distance Education (from tomorrow on agenda)


13 Go to this text on this machine – search ‘Kenya’



16 Two learners Who has higher % “I know this word” after three readings?
Read with digital resources Read on paper with normal resources 400 unknown words Read 3 times Asked to rate their knowledge for all these at the end of each reading 300 unknown words Read 3 times Asked to rate their knowledge for all these at the end of each reading Who has higher % “I know this word” after three readings?



19 The main new point here was…
To show that this same powerful effect could be reproduced using my FREE software Open-source HTML + PHP only … and beat out a similar high-priced reading-assist package that cost $7,000 per institution Presumably of interest in the developing world

20 Go online Let’s see this work

21 Here are some other ways networked ICT can support CBE
(1) Give learners reading materials situated in their own culture

22 Just Copy, Paste, Save, and give learners the link
Pupils at Miwani Section Three Primary school in Muhoroni who have been learning in roofless classrooms are a happy lot after Mabati Rolling Mills (MRM) donated 250 roofing sheets.  The donation will help reconstruct four classrooms whose roofs were blown away by strong winds in April this year. The Standard highlighted the plight of the pupils. in June in a picture which showed teaching going on in a roofless class after the unfortunate storm incident, drawing sympathy from the iron sheets company that decided to step in and help the pupils and the teachers. When The Standard visited the school on Tuesday, there was excitement in the air for a better part of the morning and afternoon as teachers, parents and pupils waited with bated breath for iron sheets. The school, which was run by Miwani Sugar Company which has been under receivership for over a decade now, seems to have been a forgotten institution, with nobody coming in to help even after the situation was highlighted in The Standard. The school's head teacher John Ongany who has been in the school for nine years now, said attempts to get help from either the County Government of Kisumu or the area MP were futile. Mabati Rolling Mills Service Centre Manager Ramadhan Juma who was also present during the handing over of the iron sheets to the school administration said the situation at the Miwani Primary was a dire one, ad that is the reason MRM decided to come in and help. "It became the company's top priority, and it is good that after all the logistics have been done, we have now been able to deliver these iron sheets so that the pupils can learn comfortably," said Juma. While one problem is already solved, there seems to be a myriad other problems the school is facing which probably will need to be looked into. The school only has seven teachers against eight classrooms, meaning at any one point a class must go without a teacher.

23 Here are some other ways computing can support CBE
(2) Easily create problem-solving situations where learners discover the rules of language Rather than being shown them Concordance Corpus Grammar

24 Here are some other ways computing can support CBE
(3) Facilitate learners’ working on the vocabulary of a new text collaboratively How else could you do this?

25 Here are some other ways computing can support CBE
(4) Quickly reduce the difficulty level of a text so your learners can read it

REVIEW ACTIVITY How do each of these pictures relate to CBE ?











37 Free Time WITH YOUR CHECKLISTS ~ Work on your presentations till 4h30

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