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Capacity Needs Assessment

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1 Capacity Needs Assessment
Requirements for the Office of Cancer Control and Prevention/NJCEED Ruth Thies, RN, MA NJ CEED 2003

2 Program and Administrative Specifications
Evaluate existing local cancer needs Conduct a capacity needs assessment Address local comprehensive cancer needs Participate in cancer coalition building All subgrants and consultant agreements must be submitted to the Office of Cancer Control and Prevention and to the NJCEED Program

3 Grantee Activities recruit, interview and hire a consultant/employee by May 13, 2003. will comply with all data collection requirements attend the meetings of the NJCEED coalition and project coordinators meetings submit expenditure reports, payment vouchers, and progress reports to the NJCEED State Office

4 Consultant Activities
complete a comprehensive cancer needs and capacity assessment for the county. identify communities where cancer burden is the highest identify potential members for a community-based cancer coalition recommend strategies for community outreach for all cancers

5 Consultant Activities...continued
convene focus groups, as necessary, to address the comprehensive cancer control initiatives comply with all data collection requirements attend the meetings of the NJCEED coalition and project coordinators meetings coordinate activities with New Jersey Local Information Network and Communications System (NJLINCS) and the Local Health Departments.

6 Total Funds = $57,100 $5000 for a computer, printer and supplies
$3500 for the NJCEED lead agency to pay for administrative duties $40,800 for the consultant/employee to complete the specifications, as outlined $7800 for outreach materials

7 Expenditure Reports, Payment Vouchers, and Progress Reports
submit expenditure reports, payment vouchers, and progress reports to the NJCEED State Office Ruth Thies Project Coordinator New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services New Jersey Cancer Education and Early Detection Program P.O. Box 364 Trenton, New Jersey

8 Needs assessment reports and data reports
Submit Needs Assessment reports, data reports Peg Knight Executive Director New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services Office of Cancer Control and Prevention P.O. Box 369 Trenton, New Jersey

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