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How to Improve Brand awareness for Berry Me Frozen yogurt and Cafe

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1 How to Improve Brand awareness for Berry Me Frozen yogurt and Cafe

2 History of Frozen Yogurt
Originated in New England 1970s “TCBY” and “I can’t Believe It’s Yogurt” Frozen yogurt manufacturers The health conscious crowds began to eat up the product, skyrocketing sales to $25 million The growth continued. By the '90s, the product had reached $330 million in sales Value of shipments for this industry increased 8% between 2002 and 2007 Frozen yogurt popularity grows despite industry downturn Saeko

3 Frozen Yogurt and Cafe Locally owned, opened July 1, 2011 on Brady St.
Self-Service frozen yogurt station featuring 10 rotating flavors and over 20 toppings Frozen yogurt products are kosher Contain the highest counts of beneficial live natural yogurt cultures Discounts and pricing: $0.45 per ounce Seniors, students, birthday and happy hour discounts Loyalty Punch Cards Features beginning in August: Beverages and Desserts Saeko

4 Frozen Yogurt Competitors
Leon’s Frozen Custard Drive-In The Northpoint Snack Bar Cold Spoons Cold Stone Creamery Culver’s Frozen Custard Baskin Robbins Dairy Queen Yogurtini **Note: No frozen yogurt competitors on Brady Street Saeko

5 Swot Analysis Neighborhood location Competitive pricing Taste testing
Strengths Weaknesses Neighborhood location Taste testing Discounts Healthier Choice Newly rebuilt Competitive pricing Limited locations Low brand awareness Not family oriented No outside setting Jaleicia

6 Swot Analysis (CONT) Neighborhood nearby resources Space for re-design
Opportunities Threats Neighborhood nearby resources Space for re-design Near by rivalries Potential entrants Loss of brand loyalty Economies of scale Jaleicia

7 Scope of the Study Important issues for frozen yogurt customers:
Product taste Product variety Flavors Offering of different products Price Customizable pricing (pay by the ounce) Flat rate pricing Location Atmosphere

8 How to Measure brand awareness
Is the brand known? … Surveying Brady St patrons about Berry Me What are their target market? Is the actual layout and design of the store appealing?

9 Hypotheses H1: There is no significant effect of age on overall preference for frozen yogurt. DV: Overall preference (Q1:Interval)   IV: Age (Q10: Nominal) ANOVA H10: There is no significant effect of overall outside appearance on overall preference for frozen yogurt shops. DV: Overall preference (Q1: Interval) IV: Outside presentation (Q2-G: Interval) Regression H13: There is no significant effect of brand awareness on future purchases at Berry Me. DV: Future Purchase (Q9: Nominal) IV: Brand Awareness (Q7: Nominal) Chi-Square

10 Questionnaire Pretest
Changes were made: Addition of “not applicable” to question 8: If you know of Berry Me, where did you obtain your information?  Choose one. Interval question 2 (Scale Labeling position change) Very Not Important Important Not Very Important Important

11 Final QUestionnaire 17 closed response questions
Interval and Nominal questions to equivalently complete analysis to simplify questions for respondents 80 people surveyed Pedestrians on Brady Street, UW-Milwaukee students, citizens of Milwaukee Sensitive Questions addressed at end Respondents thanked at end

12 Questionnaire Q1) Please rate your overall preference for frozen yogurt Dislike it Very Much Like it Very Much Q2) How important are the following features when deciding on what frozen dessert store to visit? Not Important Important Variety of Flavors Attractive Prices Location Kid Friendly Availability of hot beverages Availability of Coupons/Discounts Outside presentation

13 Questionnaire (CONT) Q7) How familiar are you with the frozen yogurt café, Berry Me? 1. I have never heard of it 2. I have heard of it but do not buy their product 3. I have bought their product 4. I buy their product on a regular basis Q9) How likely would you be to buy frozen yogurt at Berry Me in the next month? 1. Definitely buy 2. Probably Buy 3. Might or Might not buy 4. Probably not buy 5. Definitely not buy

14 Questionnaire Strengths
Multiple questions characterize the purchasing behavior of potential customers. Provides understanding of aspects customers find important when deciding on frozen dessert stores Ability to compare familiarity of Brady Street with familiarity of Berry Me Offers what type of promotion strategy is most critical in obtaining information about Berry Me

15 Questionnaire Weaknesses
How we could have improved: Measuring importance of Staff Friendliness Question 2-F, should have combined the two offerings into “pricing incentives” or featured specific questions regarding coupons and discounts. Addition of question on how likely to purchase frozen yogurt in next month? (Before Q9 – possibility of buying Berry me) Then, ask why they would/would not buy Berry me: interval– categories are the same as Q2 Addition of a question pertaining to how people obtain information about frozen dessert shops in general

16 H1: There is no significant effect of age on
H1: There is no significant effect of age on overall preference for frozen yogurt. H1: One-way ANOVA: C1 versus C16 Source DF SS MS F P C Error Total S = R-Sq = 1.58% R-Sq(adj) = 0.00% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev Level N Mean StDev ( * ) ( * ) ( * ) ( * ) Pooled StDev = 1.518 Do not reject the Null Age DOES NOT have an effect on overall frozen yogurt preference

17 H10: There is no significant effect of overall outside appearance on overall preference for frozen yogurt shops. H10: Regression Analysis: C1 versus C8  The regression equation is C1 = C8  Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant C S = R-Sq = 6.2% R-Sq(adj) = 5.0% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression Residual Error Total Reject the Null Overall outside appearance DOES have an effect on overall frozen yogurt preference

18 H13: There is no significant effect of brand awareness on future purchases at Berry Me.
H13: Tabulated statistics: C15, C13 Rows: C15 Columns: C13 Missing All Missing * All * 79 Cell Contents: Count Pearson Chi-Square = , DF = 1, P-Value = 0.001 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square = , DF = 1, P-Value = 0.001 Reject the Null Brand awareness DOES effect the likelihood of future purchases.

19 Recommendations Marketing Strategy
Do not cater to specific age group (H1, H8) Customize experience to women, but not exclusively (H2) Highlight the variety of flavors offered and the ability to personally create a dish (H3) Enhance the outside presentation (H8, H10)

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