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Warm up: With your group determine your advice to the general on the aerial attack and beach landing dates and time. Be ready to justify your choice!!

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up: With your group determine your advice to the general on the aerial attack and beach landing dates and time. Be ready to justify your choice!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up: With your group determine your advice to the general on the aerial attack and beach landing dates and time. Be ready to justify your choice!!

Kepler  -Kept asking why the Sun changed in diameter? Developed the Laws of Planetary Motions: 1. The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at one focus 2. Planets sweep out equal areas of their elliptical orbit in equal time periods 3. A planet’s period of revolution squared is proportional to its distance from the sun cubed This means every orbit is an ellipse, not circular.

3 All our planets orbit with the sun at one focus
1st law drawing the orbit

4 Warm up review: Tell the person to the right of you:
Why we see different phases of the moon Why the moon rises 50 mins later each night Why it takes longer to see one complete phase cycle than it does for the moon to make one revolution Why we see the same side of the moon.

5 Law 1: All planets orbit in an elliptical fashion
Eccentricity tells how “elliptical’ the orbit is Eccentricity is how elongated (oval) the orbit is . eccentricity = distance between foci length of major axis

6 The bigger the eccentricity the more elliptical the orbit
The bigger the eccentricity the more elliptical the orbit.   Earth’s orbit is very round, it’s eccentricity (little wonder the early astronomers thought the orbit was circular)

7 Eccentricity of planet orbits
Examples of Ellipse Eccentricity Mercury .206 Venus Earth Mars Jupiter .048 Saturn .055 Uranus .047 Neptune.008 Pluto


9 Warm up: Check the board to see if you owe any labs.
Complete the first three questions on the handout.

10 Comets are highly elliptical



13 Law 2: Planets sweep out equal areas of their elliptical orbit in equal time periods keplers law of equal areas keppler 2nd law

14 The Law of Equal Areas A line that connects a planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times. This arises from conservation of angular momentum. When the planet is closer to the sun, it moves faster, sweeping through a longer path in a given time

15 3rd Law: A planet’s period of revolution squared is proportional to its distance from the sun cubed

16 The 3rd Law: R2 (year) is proportional to d3 (distance)
The closer to the sun, the shorter the year both because the distance is shorter and because the planet moves faster. Earth 30km/sec, Mercury 49km/sec, Pluto 5km/sec 3rd law

17 Forces that keep satellites in orbit:
Gravity: Inertia

18 Forces that keep satellites in orbit around their primary:

19 Velocity and Gravitational force change with distance
Velocity and Gravitational force change with distance. The satellite moves faster when closer because the gravitational force is greater. The satellite’s kinetic energy is greater when velocity is faster. The sun’s apparent diameter looks larger when the satellite is closer


21 How to draw an ellipse

22 Another view of the laws….
carl sagan explains the laws 1st law drawing the orbit keppler 2nd law 3rd law

23 Procession of the axis


25 Climate change

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