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Electrical Safety.

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1 Electrical Safety

2 Electric shock You will get an electric schock if electric current leaks from its curcuit and flows through you to the earth. When this happens breathing stops and muscles or nerve centres may be temporarily paralysed. The heartbeat is interrupted so blood stops circulating. Heat causes internal bleeding and destruction of nerves or muscles. Other injuries are burns, cuts and falls after losing balance.

3 To avoid shock Cut off the electrical supply by switching it off before adjusting or maintaining machines. Don’t touch water or damp surfaces while you’re touching unearthed metal or bare wires. Check that insulation sheaths are not damaged or broken. Do not overload circuits and do not bend extension cables. Do not let oil or dust accumulate on motors as they can make them overheat. Clean machines only when the supply is switched off. Study the operational manual for all machinery before using it.

4 Basic first aid If a person gets an electric
shock switch off the power supply or pull the plug before touching the casualty. Push the casualty away from the electric source using a dry wooden object while standing on something dry and insulating like a rubber mat or a phonebook. Don’t touch the casualty with anything damp or metal parts. Call an ambulance. If the voltage is higher than 1,000 don’t touch the casualty but dial an ambulance immediately!

5 Treating injuries Treat injuries only after the person is free of contact from electricity. Keep lying down and place in a recovery position. Cool any burns with cold water. Cover burns with a sterile dressing. Cover the casualty to keep warm and dry. Do not remove anything sticking to a burn or blister. If you’re properly trained check for breathing, open the airway and give artificial respiration.

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