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Mariner Credentialing Program Update

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1 Mariner Credentialing Program Update
Miami Charleston Baltimore New York Boston Toledo Memphis St. Louis Houston Anchorage Long Beach Oakland New Orleans Seattle Martinsburg Portland Honolulu Juneau Capt David C. Stalfort Commanding Officer National Maritime Center 100 Forbes Drive Martinsburg, WV 25404

2 The right credential so they can work,
What Mariners Want The right credential so they can work, In the shortest time possible, and Someone to help them. Mariners have told us what is important to them about the Mariner Credentialing Program 1) They want the right credential. 2) Issued in the shortest time possible so they can go to work, and 3) They want someone to help them through the application process, to answer questions, to resolve problems. Our mission is to issue credentials to fully qualified mariners in the shortest period of time. The Coast Guard centralized the mariner credentialing program to help meet these needs, many of which we were not achievable in the decades of decentralized operations at the independent Regional Exam Centers. Our mission is to issue credentials to fully qualified mariners in the shortest period of time.

3 Processing Credentials Customer Service Future Plans
Key Items to Discuss Processing Credentials Customer Service Future Plans Many changes have been made to the Mariner Credentialing program since 2007 and I’d like to talk about thee ways the Coast Guard is helping meeting the mariners needs: Processing credentials Customer service Future plans

4 Providing Credentials to Mariners
On an average month: Credentials issued – 5,900 Year 2009: Credentials issued – 70,803 First let’s talk about what we’re doing to get credential to mariners in a timely fashion. RECs are reviewing mariner’s applications to ensure they are ready to be sent to the NMC for processing. We developed checklist to outline the items needed for the Coast Guard to begin processing an application We’ve developed application guides and published them on our web site to guide mariners through the application process. We’re publishing information about processing time to help mariners determine when they should submit their application. We’re identifying the bottlenecks in the processing system and focusing resources towards removing the bottlenecks. We’re expediting applications for mariners that are nearing expiration where the Coast Guard has caused delays. we’re also calling mariners after we’ve issued credentials to get feedback on their experience. 2009 marked the first full year under centralized operations. Last year we issued 70,803 credentials to mariners; 707 applications were denied as the applicant did not meet the requirements. (1%) Majority of denials were related to background checks with about 140 for medical.

5 Overall Processing Time
We measure processing time from the time the mariner submits their application to the time we mail it. - In January 2009, when we started full centralized operations, processing time was 90 days. - In March, before we began issuing the consolidated MMC, processing time had decreased to 66 days on average. - In June, due to problems with insufficient medical staffing and technical problems with the MMC, processing time had grown to 89 days. - At the end of August, after we solve the technical problems with our software and we cleared out a backlog of applications, the average processing time had fallen to 61 days, with actual Coast Guard processing time of 26 days. From Sep through the end of December, we continued to streamline our operations and find ways to reduce the time it takes to process an application and issue a credential. By the end of December, overall processing time had fallen to 51 days, a reduction of 43% for the year. The time the Coast Guard spends with an application, what we call net time, was reduced from 58 days in January to 21 days by December – a 64% reduction. Many mariners are reporting day turnaround times. Key items of interest: Medical backlog – in February was 5,000 – 90 day cycle time. Now, backlog eliminated – 3 days Application backlog (PQE) – In June was 6,800 – 32 day cycle time. Now, backlog eliminated – <1 day Approved to test – largest impact on overall processing time – 47 days on average for mariners needing an exam. (encourage mariners to schedule for their exam as soon as possible) Awaiting Information – is the next largest impact on overall processing time – 26 days 17, % were issued in less than 20 days Overall Processing Time 24, % were issued in less than 30 days Overall Processing Time 35, % were issued in less than 46 days Overall Processing Time 43, % were issued in less than 60 days Overall Processing Time 53, % were issued in less than 89 days Overall Processing Time We also measure the time the Coast Guard spends processing the application. Jan 09 – net time – 55 days Mar 09 – 48 days Jun 09 – 55 days Sep 09 – 26 days Dec 09 – 21 days 46% reduction In 2009, 24,781 mariners received their credential in less than 30 days.

6 Application Inventory
Through process streamlining and our surge efforts last summer, we eliminated a backlog of over 3,800 applications, focusing on mariners whose applications had been with the Coast Guard the longest. This helped reduce overall processing time for all mariners. Eliminated the backlog of over 3,800 applications

7 Credential Accuracy Get it right the first time.
To ensure that the credentials we issue to mariners accurately reflect the endorsements for which they are qualified, and that the information on the credential is correct, we implemented quality assurance checks. This helped reduce the errors with credentials issued. The large spike in errors in April reflect the initial quality problems we experience when we launched the new consolidated merchant mariner credential. Get it right the first time.

8 Incomplete applications Training Certificates Paper applications
Processing Delays Incomplete applications Training Certificates Paper applications Over one-half of all applications submitted to the Coast Guard are either incomplete or are missing information from the physical examination report. This is THE problem contributing to longer than desired processing time. The root cause of this is the complexity of the Coast Guard application process, the forms, and the Coast Guard regulations. Since Jan 09 – instances of missing information or incomplete applications Physical Exam Report - 17,772 Application - 17, 604 Training Certificate – 7,270 TWIC - 3, 305 45,951

9 Actions to Decrease Processing Time
Amending regulations and policy Helping mariners with application Simplifying the forms On line tools to help mariners Contacting mariners about missing info Streamlining processes at NMC The Coast Guard is currently taking a number of actions now to further reduce processing time: The Coast Guard will be amending regulations and updating policy (including marine safety manual, NVICs, policy letters) RECs are reviewing mariner’s applications to ensure they are ready to be sent to the NMC for processing. We are also simplifying the forms to reduce the instances of missing information. 3) We’ve developed on line tools to help the mariner such as application wizards, checklists, status checks, sea service calculators, verification. 4) Contacting mariners by phone, , fax, and letters – even while at sea – to follow up with missing information. 5) Continually streamlining the paper-based processes at NMC. We’re having 3rd party experts review the program to identify ways to streamline the current paper-based system, while looking to the future and electronic processing systems.

10 Ensuring Public Safety
Ensure mariners meet requirements Suitable Backgrounds Professional Qualifications Medical Fitness Ensure trainers meet requirements Training mariners to expected standards As a public safety organization, the Coast Guard has a responsibility to ensure mariners meet all of the federal requirements to obtain a credential. Specifically, we evaluate mariners’ applications in three areas: Criminal background checks to look for habits of life that may not be conducive to maritime safety. Professional qualifications to ensure mariners meet the sea service and competency requirements. Medical evaluations to ensure mariners are medically fit to undertake their duties and responsibilities on board a vessel. SSE – TWIC – TSA now conducts the security check. CG focuses on evaluating backgrounds to look for issues that may present safety risks. Typical issues that may cause concerns are drug use/alcohol abuse, violent crimes, repeated DUIs, etc. PQE – sea service is the Coast Guard’s means of ensuring that mariners have gained experience on the types of vessels and the routes for the endorsement they are applying for and that the required training or assessments of competency have been completed. In some cases, mariners do not have sufficient service on the size vessel – or the specific route. In other cases, the required training has not been completed. MEB – Prior to centralization, medical evalautions were conducted by staffs at the REC – who had no medical training. If the staffs detected a medical issue, the mariner’s application was forwarded to NMC, for review by a CG physician assigned to CG headquarters. NMC now has a fully staffed medical branch with 35 people including 4 doctors, 11 Physician Assistants, 3 Nurse Practitioner's, 1 Registered Nurse, 13 Certified Medical Assistant's or Medical Coders, and 1 Corpsman/Clinic Administrator, 2 medical clerks to assist with general medical administration. Several Marine employers have established wellness programs. Streamlined the medical process – three level screening process In process review 300 per day; 150 into medical – 150 continue processing Medical screening review – 150 per day, 50 into medical – 100 continue 1 level medical review – 50 per day, 4 into medical – 46 continue processing 2nd level review – 4 per day – serious medical issues Since 2009, received 56,191 applications, denied 158 mariner for medical reasons Prior to NVIC denial rate 0.1% (58/year) - not fully centralized in Sep 08 Post NVIC denial rate 0.2% (144/year) We’re also helping direct mariners to the medical NVIC via our web site. Looking ahead, we are reviewing different types of medical evaluation systems that may better suit US mariners (FAA, United Kingdom, Canada, etc). We’re looking to expand the relationships we’re building with mariners physicians into more formal program. We’re looking at systems used by other organizations, other countries.

11 Customer Service 2.5 million visitors New Web Page
Easy to find information New search engines Links to individual RECs updates Redesigned our web site based on visitor interaction – contrary to past assumptions, mariners ARE using this. Updated content. Organized based on frequency of visits to individual pages. New search engines and links to RECs subscription service – 1,700+ subscribers Traffic is up 55% from last year.    Visitors are spending more time using the NMC website and finding what they are looking for. In 2009, over 2.5 million visitors from 131 different countries obtained information from NMC’s web site. 2.5 million visitors

12 Approved Course Search Engine
Customer Service Approved Course Search Engine Quick ways to find training courses Search by state or course name Recently launched new method for mariner to search for approved training courses.

13 Full Service Customer Service Center
Information Status Assistant Problem resolution Customer Service Center: In August we established an expanded full-service Customer Service Center (CSC), which combined the existing Mariner Information Call Center and developed the Issues Resolutions Branch into one fusion center for enhanced customer service. While the Help Desk receives an average of 12,000 contacts each month (via or toll free telephone calls) from mariners inquiring about the status of their application or to obtain information, the Issue Resolutions Branch is designed to assist mariners with resolving problems associated with complicated applications issues requiring higher levels of policy and regulatory interpretations. Additionally, the CSC can expedite mariner applications based on the type of service required. Team of 35 full time customer service representatives, trained in all levels of service. In its first year of full operation, the NMC Mariner Information Call Center (MICC) has handled 273,622 contacts for 2009. 273,662 Mariners Served

14 Auto email Notification
Customer Service Auto Notification Information Status Assistant Problem resolution Mariner E-Notification System: In November 2009 we launched a service that notifies mariner applicants of the status of their applications via . The free service notifies a mariner when their application moves from one stage in the application process to the next. So far the service has been highly acclaimed across the mariner and marine employer sector. Mariners who provide an address with their credential application will receive an when their application passes through the following states of processing: -Sent from an REC to the NMC. -Awaiting Medical Evaluation. -Being Evaluated by Medical. -Awaiting Professional Evaluation. -Being Evaluated for Professional Qualifications. -Awaiting Information. -Approved to Test. -Approved to Print. - Awaiting Information -Issued. -Confirmation of delivery and request for feedback. “This service gives me confidence that the NMC is actively working my application.” Paul, Credentialed Mariner, Nov 2009

15 Customer Service REC Appointments Application submission Examinations
Application Submission Mariners can now make appointments at all RECs to submit an application or take an examination to reduce the time they wait for service at an REC. Mariner can now submit their complete credential application to any REC via . Make appointment on line or by calling help desk “I no longer have to wait in line at the REC for service.” Charles, Credentialed Mariner, Oct 2009

16 Credential Verification
On-Line Services Credential Verification Document Search Single Mariner Multiple Mariner Name Search Mariner E-Verification: In September 2009 we introduced a service that provides Port States, USCG Inspection/Boarding Officials and mariner employers the ability to verify the validity of merchant mariner credentials via a free on-line system sponsored on the USCG’s Homeport Missions Portal. The service provides up to date information on which credentials and qualifications a mariner possesses and the currency of those credentials and qualifications. Since launch, XX,XXX verification searches have been conducted

17 On-Line Services On-line Guides Original Renewal Raise-in-Grade
Published on-line guides on our web site to walk the mariner through the credential process. Over 13,000 Mariners have used the wizards since they were published in September. “Excellent aid for renewal assistance.” Robert, Credentialed Mariner, Jan 2010

18 Customer Service Service is improving.
These improvements have helped improve the mariners’ credentialing experience. Service is improving.

19 Future Plans Electronic Applications Computer Exams Data Sharing
Merchant Mariners -Secure Electronic Application System (MM-SEAS): We are developing an Internet-based application submission and evaluation capability, (Turbo-tax for mariners) which will enable mariners to apply for their merchant mariner credential on-line from any location in the world. This capability will also enable external partners and stakeholders to share credential related data with the NMC, including sea service, training information, safety/security background information, and medical information, creating a paperless process and drastically reducing the processing time and costs. Further, the capability will enable automation of many aspects of the credential evaluation process, further reducing processing time and costs. Third Party Assessment of Mariner Credentialing Program: MITRE corporation has been conducting a comprehensive assessment of the current credential program with the objective of providing recommendations to improve the current “as-is” service delivery processes and mapping out strategies for the future “to-be” vision of the Merchant Mariner Secure Electronic Application System. (MM-SEAS). The final report is due to the USCG in March 2010. Computer Based Exams: Mariners currently take professional exams downloaded from the Internet and printed on paper. We are developing on-line computer based examination capabilities to reduce the examination processing time and administrative expenses. This enhancement will also improve our quality assurance efforts with exam questions. Mariner Training Data Sharing: Initial testing for the Mariner Training and Documentation (MTAD) program has begun. This program will allow and eventually require, course providers to upload course completion data for mariners electronically. Anticipate beta testing this spring.

20 Our Goal Get the right credential to the mariner in the shortest period of time. The Coast Guard is fully committed to ensuring an effective and efficient Mariner Credentialing Program. We thank you for your support and feedback and we ask your patience as we continue to improve.

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