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CLEAR: Whole Person Care Model for the Health Sciences Professions

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1 CLEAR: Whole Person Care Model for the Health Sciences Professions
Carla Gober-Park, PhD, RN, MPH, MS Kris Lozano (and committee) Loma Linda University Center for Spiritual Life and Wholeness, Loma Linda, CA Method Results/Conclusion Abstract Lor sum nonsecte dit la feu feugait dui blaore facil euisl utat. Ut do consed tat. Duisl dignit acillummy nulputat, sequisl ercipis nos nit nos nonullam, si eu feum amcortie eu feumsan velesenit lore feum vel ut autat, volobor il. Dio elismodolor sustio od mod tio odolupta. NEED INFORMATION FOR THIS SECTION In 2011, a group of nine researchers and clinicians designed a research/development project for the purpose of developing a whole-person care model to guide all teaching and practice at LLUH. A consultation group of approximately 300 researchers, clinicians, students and staff of LLUH were invited to give feedback during the course of the project through online avenues (a blog and Basecamp) and group forums. This larger group was open to all interested people throughout LLUH. The research/development group considered all comments, critiques and suggestions made by the larger consultation group, with all work public to both groups. BULLETS? IS INFO CORRECT? From the process emerged the first draft of a whole-person care model in March of 2012, with the following qualities: measureable, memorable, practical, flexible, and teachable. After several pilot tests, the model was adopted by LLUH as the model to guide all teaching and practice at LLUH. Since that time, the model has been integrated into the orientation of new employees (clinical and university), the teaching practices of three schools (medicine, nursing, and religion) and is being integrated into the remaining four schools by It is also guiding the development of the online wellness website for the corporation. Finally, it is used to guide two new developments for the School of Medicine:  1) a Narrative Project designed for the first year School of Medicine students, and 2) the Integrative Whole-Person Care Simulation Labs developed for second year School of Medicine students. BULLETS? IS INFO CORRECT? Background Whole-person care has been important throughout the 150-year history of Loma Linda University and Hospital system (now Loma Linda University Health - LLUH). Since the 1950s, the motto is, “To make man whole.” However, up to 2011, there was no corporate-wide understanding of whole-person care, nor a model to guide teaching and practice. Connected to this has been the question of whether spiritual care and whole person care were similar categories of understanding.  DO YOU WANT MORE INFORMATION HERE? IS THE WORDING OK? CLEAR Model C Connect Connect with God, yourself, the patient, the environment, and the patient’s family Connect with the patient’s diagnosis/prognosis Connect with the patient’s background Listen Listen to the patient’s story Listen without interruption except for active listening responses Listen with your eyes, ears, and heart L Future Research Research is being conducted on the Connect aspect of the CLEAR Model. This study will examine the development of empathy in medical school students at Loma Linda University. In the future, research will be conducted on all aspects of the CLEAR Model. WORDING OK? ANY ADDITIONAL INFO? Literature Review nsectem quat wisl enisim ea feum elit lorperc iliquat iure molortin vulput nulla commodiam summy nulla alit iuscips umsandigna feugiat veliquat nosto dunt ea faccum in ute commy nis aliquatet accum do do commolore deliquip ex ex er sum delis acidunt inim ipis amconse quamcon sendipisi. WILL BE COMPLETING THIS SECTION SOON (PENDING MEETING WITH DR. PARK) Explore Explore the patient’s physical, emotional, and relational story Explore the patient’s spiritual and religious story Explore the main concerns and main strengths E A Acknowledge Validate the patient Validate the story/concern References Lastname, James M., & Witte, Kenneth L. (1988). Lasdkjf ;klj sdfkl jlk;jsdf lk;sjdf klj. Bulletin of the Society 12 (4), DO YOU HAVE ANY RESOURCES BESIDES WHAT WILL USED FOR THE LIT REVIEW? R Respond Respond to personal resources Respond with professional resources Reflect

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