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Message First, Everything Else Second

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1 Message First, Everything Else Second
Ephraim Cohen Executive Vice President & GM, Technology Edelman

2 Different points of view Being misunderstood English for techies
Today’s Agenda Different points of view Being misunderstood English for techies How do you speak? Different audiences, different messages Test your message Use your sales force for audience feedback Communicating the benefits Look at what your influencers are saying

3 You are always selling a message
Why is this important? You are always selling a message For a product, service, idea, approach, person…

4 The Different Points of View
The same technology can be The end all be all coolest thing in the world Internal technology professionals A critical tool or critical part of a strategy for moving a business forward CIOs, some departmental and chief executives A basic support technology that can save a lot of money Financial executives, some IT professionals Something that provides benefits but not necessarily critical ones. Everyone at times It all depends on the perspective

5 How do you speak Do you say “global IP networking for converged data communications with increased ROI” Or “Products that helps your people communicate with each other anywhere in the world, anyway they like, all on one bill and at significantly lower cost”

6 Why Oh Why Am I So Misunderstood
Do you have to explain yourself three times? Was an obvious sales target not interested? Are you connecting on their level? Or are you trying on yours? Did you lose a sale do to lack of budget? Or lack of understanding?

7 What is a techie? Anyone who works in a technology company
English for Techies What is a techie? Anyone who works in a technology company We all get swept away with the lingo…sweep back Practice your English…with your families Remember, the word “Internet” is a technical term for the rest of the world

8 Communicating the Benefits
Different benefits for different audiences Technical Business Behavioral Ask questions and find out what they want to buy It’s not what you want to sell, it’s what they want to buy A story, analyst report information, product, strategy

9 Different Audiences, Different Delivery
Trade media Don’t assume they understand the technology Do ask them what their interests are (and read their articles beforehand) Business/general media Their audience is everybody – technology people are only a small percentage of their readership Industry analysts Usually technical But different areas of focus Your investors Numbers, numbers, numbers Growth, margins, market potential, technical advantages, etc Your buyers Some are techies, some are accountants, some are every day professionals

10 Try different pitches internally first
Test Messages Try different pitches internally first Use focus groups of target audiences to find out how they are hearing your messages Probe during conversations to see how your message is being received (in real time) Use your sales force force for audience feedback

11 Where Does Your Audience Get Information
Read the magazines your customers are reading Technology Vertical Business General Look at the industry analyst reports to see what your customers are seeing Not what they are saying about you Talk to existing customers and your analysts Why do they like you What don’t they like What do they think is the best approach

12 Through your resellers Through your sales force
Feedback – Get It! On the spot Real time feedback – ask questions that play back your messages to make sure they were heard correctly Through your resellers Through your sales force Directly from customers From the media, analysts Everyone…even your family

13 Integrate it into your communications efforts
Implementation Lay out your messages The core message and your proof points Integrate it into your communications efforts Sales, advertising, public relations, internal communications Set up feedback mechanisms The more you can repeat it, the more it will be heard – repetition is king!

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